News agency claims Snowden docs prove aliens helped Hitler, and currently control U.S. gov’t

An Iranian news agency alleges that documents provided by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden prove that “an alien/extraterrestrial intelligence agenda is driving US domestic and international policy, and has been doing so since at least 1945.”

The Fars News Agency asserts that the shadow alien government running the United States is based in Nevada, and these aliens previously ran Nazi Germany. The Washington Post reports, “As proof that aliens were secretly behind the Nazis, the report explains that Germany built hundreds of submarines toward the end of the war, far more than would have been possible with mere human technology.” But the Post continues, “It does not explain why aliens with access to interstellar travel built subs that were so grossly incapable against the British navy, or why all-powerful extraterrestrials were unable to help the Nazis resist an invasion by Allied forces that are mere cavemen relative to their own technology. So far, these are pretty unimpressive aliens.”
It was apparently after losing the war that these aliens established themselves as the secret controllers of the United States government.

Fars News claims that Snowden provided documents proving these allegations to Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB). And Fars News further asserts that the claims were recently confirmed by Canada’s former minister of defence Paul Hellyer. The news agency alleges that Hellyer was given access to all of Snowden’s documents by FSB and he confirmed their accuracy. It was reportedly shortly after this that he appeared on Russia Today’s program SophieCo where he announced that aliens have visited Earth for thousands of years, and that several are working with the U.S. Air Force in Nevada.
But Hellyer’s statements on SophieCo are hardly confirmation of recently seen documents acquired by FSB from Edward Snowden. Hellyer has been outspoken about his extraterrestrial beliefs for years. He even spoke about these same issues at the 2013 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

According to Fars News, Russian authorities are most concerned about the “confirmation” that extraterrestrials controlling the U.S., known as the “Tall Whites,” are the same extraterrestrial race behind Nazi Germany’s rise to power during the 1930s.
As the Washington Post points out, “Iran’s semi-official news outlets have something of a reputation for taking conspiracy theorism to the next level.” The only source Fars News Agency cites to support these incredible claims is conspiracy website
They have really gone NUTS now. Snowden is a strange and should be taken out. This is a joke haha how funny
They’re not talking about Aliens but Bush administration called the anti-christ
so fars is a farce.
well this the same theory Dr David Jacobs and it could be true, i personnaly saw 2 ufos : one black triangle and one transparent in Mexico over my house so there is black projets with taxes money and maybe more ! snowden is a true american !!
This theory has several theory relatives out there of historical alien contact.
The basic line is that the aliens helped Nazi Germany but when it failed, they flipped to the US… and now that we have failed them, they have gone over to China.
Exactly what was the failure? Maybe to create a one-world government? I dunno but the theories do abound.
What does Charles Hall have to say!
Nazi Germany has not failed from an Alien viewpoint, it was just the beginning. The next step will require a state of mind without any chutzpah, an ego-less state, otherwise it cannot be found. Snowden could be the “Hellboy”, the Trojan horse, the trigger of the Fourth Reich. It is still sleeping out there in …
you have to look deeper!!!! This is real and you will discover it is when you figure out that it would be nearly impossible to advance earth so fast in just such a small time. It was just 10 years ago all of this internet and phones started getting way advanced. you think some man created this from his mind. Bull crap. I’m connected with some very high people and i have seen them myself. I am going to remain anonymous for the purposes of my protection. Just because they worked with Hitler doesn’t mean they can break the universal code of laws, furthermore, if you had the power to travel through dementions and time to correct a catastrophic error. Wouldn’t you think you would have to work side by side with the enemy just to make him rely on you. Then you watch him fail to gain even more power. It was their plan from the beginning and what makes you so sure they were not working with the USA all along?…..
And before the internet. The other rapid change ( 10 years plus after Roswell) was computer chips, the Stealth fighter with its new design, the metals used for our own space craft changed seemingly over night.
This was not human earthly evolution. It was too rapid and there were no dots to join to have a normal progression.
all this guess work and interest in outer space! What about disclosing the “inner earth” question. Prove it or not once and for all. Here on earth, b4 we go somewhere we cannot reach! Also the “tall whites” if real are then evil. That would explain the link between them and why earth whites are greedy exploitors, racist and oppresors of fellow earthlings. Makeshift, nice, i hear you, do you hear me though?
Actually…THEY ALIENS WERE ATTRACTED BY NAZI OCCULT ACTIVITY. Somewhere they dregeded up one of the original books of Enoch…which were nothing like what floats around today. They were tables describing the organization of the universe scribed on copper pages. The Russians got it at the end of the war. Thumpers found the other one in Iraq during the first gulf war….in the tomb of Gilgamesh. The germans fiquered out what was implied by the freemason/ illuminati eye on top of the pyramid…and had constructed and used thier own pyramid. The rumors about dissapearing Nazi scientists was true…and is what gave US secret agencies thier kickstart leading up to area 51. Now hears a quiz. What is implied by the number 51? It is both the angle of the pyramids AND the frequency of the astral plane. So quess what’s been going on and know why there there have been peristent rumours about a breakaway civilization and EXTREMELY ADVANCED MIND CONTROL. Just look at recent pictures of John Boehnor…and know why he is suddenly buddies with Barack the antichrist. The people running this operation derisively refer to thier indoctrinees as ‘a cryin shame’. You dont even want to know what thier really doing…
There is no evidence that of these documents, i studied snowden case for a long time and i never saw anything about aliens. Sure i belive in there existense but not in this case.
the world governments know what is happen behind the scenes in the shadows.
Yeah, but can they cook?
Snowden is actually rather cool because he can now inform us about things our government has kept hidden. He was a former NSA and he probably didn’t agree with the government hiding facts from their own people. So, I would consider him the most patriotic American, if there is a thing.
You guys are flipping nuts if you think aliens are helping us with anything. Why would they? They have nothing to gain by doing so. And why would they stay so damned secretive of their own existence? If they wanted to unite the world into a singular global govt and help Earth evolve to that state of civilization, all they’d have to do is show themselves. Educate us, show the masses that there’s more out there. Mankind would unite in the spirit of new-found exploration and cooperation with ET.
@ Hivemind Johnny
That’s exactly what the U.S. Government doesn’t want. lol
The so called Leaders of all countrys are all nothing but figureheads..they really have No Power..its only a person who the public can keep you in follow what you are told Un-named others Really Run WAKE UP! The government is set up to CONTROL the people,tell them what to to think..whats good and bad..what to keep the population in what Your told and shut-up!
The Gov controls the News/Internet..and only tells the people what they want you to know..their system works so why change it..and it has worked this way for thousands of years! Speak out against the gov or the way thing work..and see what happens! With Black Projects and Bases that do not exist…who do you think is fooling who? Either Lead/Follow/or get out of the way!
You call that proof?
seriously,what they will never reveal is the most simple and boring truth,extraterrestrial biologic entities are here before human appeared and they see this planet and its resources as theirs.They will never make an open contact unless recent events where their resources have been compromised by human activities(polution,radioactivity),they are belic and IF they even care to contact any human “authority”,be sure it wont be for the sake of human benefit.
Snowden is a traitor who did a lot of damage. Who have him the right to make such decisions? That is why he needs to be prosecuted.
There are no aliens but if there were and they helped the Nazis they would be war criminals and worthy of prosecution, not protection.
If Aliens came out and exposed themself that would
Only make the world go into chaos, this would
Destroy religions & if you think about it 1940-1950 we got advanced technology I’m such a short time.I will not make any comments to this statement but have you ever wondered why we haven’t returned to the moon?We officially lost control in 1951.The worlds been around a very long time do you think we are the only creatures with our understanding just 15,000 years ago We were created in gods IMAGE of alien’s are looking for something as well perhapes under the ocean that we’ve only discoverd about 7% but yet we want to discover other planets there’s a reason Hitler built so many sub’s. There has been ancient space battles in history have you seen wall paintings created by cavemen.Maybe that’s why there’s a missing planet….
I do believe we are not the only life in the universe, but I hardly believe aliens would have anything to gain by helping wage wars. If they can travel to our planet with their advance knowledge they could do whatever they want. Proof they are real is lacking. We are advancing very quickly and this may be as a result of some unexplained help. However, if we want to fear something, we need to fear the human race. We , humans, need to work with each other, forget about religion, race, or country if for some reason we as a planet are being under attack by some outside source should not we work with each other not fight each other.
they have ben under the control of ET’s since 1947 ROSWELL.
AMEN!!! ;~O
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No one is controling the government
I have always believed we have had been given the gift of a “step up” in intelligence and ingenuity.
Mankind bearly made any abdvances in engineering for centuries, apart from some brilliant thinkers in our history.
Suddenly, we are scientifically cutting edge, with the average man having no idea how we reached such capabilities! I don’t!
Did man somehow tap into a portion of his brain that had laid dormant for mellinia, or was he given a nudge in the right direction from some unnamed benefactor
I for one am greatful, and welcome all the help we are so graciously offered.
Operation Highjump under Admiral Byrd in 1946-47 proved that the Nazis were helped by someone with advanced technology and flying saucers specifically.
These Nazis also were funded by the Rothschilds, Warburgs and other talmudic Kharzarians that had influence in DC through their federal reserve bank. Also WWI and WWII were instigated by these people for Israel.
Putting that together shows that it is not too hard to believe that DC finally became completely uber their control at some point, and is today with worsening trends as time passes.
We must resist this corruption and attempts to either enslave or kill us off for their selfish profiteering or other ET ventures. It’s better dying on our feet than living as slaves – as the Spartans made clear to those attempting to enslave mankind once before!
Maybe one day we will get it through these evil aliens’ big heads that humankind will not have our free spirits enslaved, period, and they will stop wasting their time and efforts trying. Thanks.
Since snowden is still alive and breathing I myself cannot believe such things……if he had dissapeared or somehow unrealistically committed suicide by the coroner i would think it was legit..
My comment: No only every country has secrets/ skeletons they wish no to be told. Obviously there’s a reason why its called a secret…ya think? Addresses of informants or to use a better word (agent). I live in the greatest country in the world. Others come here to be educated. People have died for my freedom and your freedom to Mr. Snowdon. There are not enough tissue made to wipe away the tears for our losses. I STAND BY MY COUNTRY!!!
All of a sudden, this production makes sense
Snowden is a traitor he took vital technical information to Russia and that is why we have Trump