Hillary talks UFOs with Jimmy Kimmel (Video)
Jimmy Kimmel has done it again and asked the UFO question to another high level politician. This time, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Clinton actually responded positively and said she will try to open UFO files.

Clinton’s campaign more than any other this election cycle has addressed the UFO question. In part due to Clinton’s campaign manager being an avid UFO enthusiast, but also because her husband, former president Bill Clinton, also has had an interest in UFOs.
Bill acknowledged his interest on Jimmy Kimmel Live during a visit to the show in 2014. He told Kimmel he had looked into UFOs and Area 51, but did not find anything. However, he said he does believe there is likely extraterrestrial life out there somewhere.

Recently, Hillary was reminded of this statement by a reporter with The Conway Daily Sun. Hillary responded that she would look into UFOs and Area 51. She stuck to this claim when asked about UFOs by Kimmel last night.
In an appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show last night, Kimmel also brought up the comments made on his show by Bill. He said Bill told him he looked for the UFO files, but there was nothing there.
Hillary responded, “I am going to do it again.”
“I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible,” Clinton told Kimmel. “If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there.”
To this, Kimmel asked what if there is something there.
Hillary replied, “If there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.”
Hillary also demonstrated some knowledge of recent developments in UFO research. After telling Kimmel she would look into UFOs again, she explained that there is a new name for UFOs.
She said it is “Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon (UAP).”
It is not too much of a surprise that she should be up to speed on the UFO topic, or at least have access to someone who is. Her campaign manager, John Podesta, called for the release of UFO files at a press conference in 2012. He has also been interviewed on the topic recently, and has been tweeting about UFOs, including tweets encouraging people to ask Hillary about them.

Hillary also has her own UFO history. During Bill’s presidency, Laurance Rockefeller, a billionaire philanthropist and friend of the Clintons, began his own research into the UFO phenomenon. He commissioned a report of which only a few copies were made. He sent this report to friends, including the Clintons, who he lobbied to look into the issue in an official manner. Documents obtained from the Clinton Library by UFO researcher Grant Cameron show that Hillary was the lead contact for Rockefeller on this issue. Amongst these documents is a picture of Hillary walking with Rockefeller on his ranch in Wyoming. She is holding a book about the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

An original copy of Rockefeller’s UFO briefing was scanned and posted, exclusively, here at OpenMinds.tv.
Many will assume Hillary is pandering to UFO believers with her comments to Kimmel. However, given the Clintons’ history in UFOs – or UAPs if you prefer – perhaps her team really is motivated to look into the topic more deeply.
After all, as Bill put it when asked about UFOs at a forum in Hong Kong in 2005, “I wouldn’t be the first president that underlings have lied to, or that career bureaucrats have waited out.”
Read more about the Clintons and UFOs here.
Read more about Obama and UFOs here, including when Kimmel asked him about UFOs!
please indulge me for a minute. o.k….so…the coal industry collapsed last week with barely a whimper in the media. then on Wednesday the Rockefeller’s announced that there divesting from oil (they even tried to distance them selves from big petroleum by calling the oil industry “morally reprehensible”. like there not directly responsible for everything that has happened since the founding of standard oil,lol). and the very next day you have Hillary Clinton talking about “U.A.P.”s” on television during her run for the presidency.
now given there history together (Clinton’s/Rockefeller’s especially regarding this subject). and the theory being that were not being told things because there trying to protect the old power company family’s.it now looks like there starting to get out of the business.is this it?…disclosure maybe??.
Dear Sir / Madam.
My real live experience two days before , the Roswell Incident , needs to be fully investigated.
Because , I was with my School mate , three to four feet away , from two Aliens & their UFO.
I am not an ultracrepitarian , I am talking the truth, nothing but the truth , and my evidence
surely must be considered , when it comes to that UFO crash in Roswell , & the two aliens.
There is powerful evidence to support my true live experience , & it should not be eliminated.
I had supporting evidence from Australian newspapers , and I know , what I was looking at.
I`d like to be interviewed over this incident, I am 81 years of age , and still have a crystal
clear recollection , of those 4 to 5 minutes , sadly, my School mate has since passed away.
Hillary Clinton gave an interview the other day, and I have the feeling her information about
to be released , concerning the Roswell incident, will not offer much help to solve the mystery.
I hope someone can contact me over this matter.
Best wishes= Neil McIntyre Australia. = email…mooroopnahospital22 @ gmail.com