Witness reports camera failure after photographing UFO in CA
A witness photographed a UFO above the San Diego, California suburb of Santee on the afternoon of Tuesday, May 7.
According to 10News, San Diego’s ABC affiliate, witness Ellen Henry snapped multiple UFO photos of the object as it hovered over the historic, and allegedly haunted, Edgmoore Barn. And she is convinced that whatever she saw in the sky was extraterrestrial.
News10 interviewed Henry, but “she did not want to show her face on camera because she said she was still spooked by what she captured.” And she claims that her camera stopped working after she photographed the UFO.
The station reportedly contacted the nearby airport and the nearby Marine airbase, but neither had an explanation for the UFO. The station also checked with the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) and determined that only one UFO sighting in San Diego had been reported during May. News10 points out that Edgemoore Barn sits beneath multiple flight paths.
The station provides very few details from the witness. The News10 reporter states that the object was hovering over the barn, but it is unclear whether that is her description or Henry’s description. Based on the pictures, the object appears to be in motion. Henry told News10 she is certain the object was not a bug. With multiple flight paths above the barn, and with the unidentified object apparently in motion, a conventional aircraft is a possible identification. But it is always possible that Henry snapped photos of something extraterrestrial.
A positive identification of this UFO over Santee is unlikely unless more details are obtained from the witness.
What’s interesting is the conjunction of alleged ghostly activity in the some place where the photo was taken.