UFO stops traffic over Florida boulevard
A Florida witness at Port Charlotte driving westbound along Midway Boulevard at 6:34 p.m. on November 30, 2014, reported getting stopped behind several cars just as a “pretty large white orb” UFO moved overhead, according to testimony in Case 61753 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
“I came to a stop behind a few cars in the middle of the road,” the witness stated. “People were looking up to the north. I head a low humming and saw a pretty large white orb. Inside was a small pill-sized and shaped black- metallic UFO.”
The witness described the object.
“It was changing colors, moved abruptly up and down, east and west, and then it hovered for a half a minute, and flew at an incomparable speed.”
The witness is not familiar with the type of craft that was seen.
“It scared me badly because I used to live near a military base and an airport in Maryland and have never seen any craft like this – it barely made any sound!”
The other drivers at the scene noticed the object too.
“When it shot out of sight, the cars started moving again, but during the incident a male in the car in front of me actually yelled out his window, ‘What the “blank” is that?’ I knew we were all thinking what the heck it really was. I can tell you now – I’m no longer a skeptic when it comes to UFOs.”
Port Charlotte is an unincorporated community in Charlotte County, Florida, population 54,392.
Florida has a current UFO Alert Rating of 5 with a low number of recent reports nationally. Florida had 30 UFO reports that occurred during October 2014 – calculated at 1.55 sightings per million population.
The UFO Alert Rating System is based on five levels – 1 through 5 – where states with 4.01 or higher reports per million residents are rated an Alert 1; 3.01 – 4.0 reports are an Alert 2; 2.51 – 3.0 are an Alert 3; 2.01 – 2.5 are an Alert 4; and those states with 2.0 or lower are rated an Alert 5.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to MUFON.com.
This happened in Bradenton Florida as well. Cross section of 53rd and Lockwood. White Orb looked like a plane coming in for a crash. It stopped and made a direct turn and headed south. Was not a helicopter. Was not a plane. Stopped traffic. Just a hair after 9 pm at night.
Made a comment above… forgot to mention that my sighting was last year.
Miller – If you have not yet done so, please report your sighting to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) at mufon.com. Thanks.
… and with all the cellphones in the world today, no one got a photo? I find this hard to believe.
So you’re telling me that in 2014 a UFO stopped multiple vehicles and not one picture was taken? Then I read the comments and it’s happened before. So at least 2 similar incidences and not one photo/video? MUFON is a joke. Don’t report to them. They often never release photos/videos. When asked why they say, “we don’t want to compromise the investigation.” Sorry MUFON, no dice!
All these cars and no one had a cell phone to take a picture??
It’s a hoax. A guy two streets over made a ufo out of a i[pad with 4 propellers and hovers it above the 4 way lights.
Taint in their local news paper or news casts. How come? Must be a fake if it wasn’t worthy of news coverage. Taint real.
There are no aliens inside them, it’s apart of the government. Obviously the government wouldn’t tell us about their secret weapons. When the government doesn’t want an investigation it means that THEY sent it. but when there were lights in Washington D.C. Fighter jets scrambled after them (soon later was found out that it was just hydrogen blah blah blah). So obviously this is U.S. super/secret weapons. And they don’t want world production of these war machines.
Rightwingers in yet another rightwing state cant identify a easily identifiable aircraft…..
I actually live about a mile from here. These old people around here have money, and I’m almost positive it’s a personal drone. I’ve seen a few with different colors even.
My name is John Sovis and I live and work in Punts Gorda,Fl and captured some photos of something strange in the sky above my workplace today around 5:30 or so. Can’t be completely sure what it was and we are in close proximity to the Midway, Port Charlotte area where there was a siting Nov. 30th
If you would, please contact me and I would like to supply you with the images for analysis.
Hello john Sovis, I would appreciate if you send me those picture so i can take a look. my email is megatafira@hotmail.com
North Port is an alien human hybrid neighborhood. Grays and reptilians. We lived there 2 years and have posted over 100 videos of real crazy ufo’s. Go to, youtube- north port devil
Hello Mike Rowley. I know exactly what your talji g about and I personally believe everything you have said in every video and interview you’ve been in. I have searched for you and I was shocked to see you that you’ve left a comment on here. I would love to talk to you is there anyway to get in touch with you? Please leave a comment I’ll check back to see if you have. Thanks.