Technical Analysis of Alien Implant

The first issue of Open Minds magazine published an article by Steve Colbern entitled “Alien Implant Removal and Study” (pages 52-57), which tells for the first time the abduction account of John Smith and the removal of an implant in his body by Dr. Roger Leir. Steve Colbern wrote an additional paper with a complete scientific analysis of the object, which you can download here.
why dont you send somebody and find out who these
ets are and why thay are comeing to earth.
I was reading the report on investigation of the metallic pieces considered to be implants. Since I am geochemist with interest in isotopic composition of rocks, I’d like to know more about it. Can you publish or send me complete the isotopic composition of all elements that have beeg analyzed?
E.G. Uranium and rare earth elements – why there is not complete isotopic analysis published?
What about carbon isotopic composition?
Thanks for your reply,
Good work, keep it up.
My name is Chris Chaffee I am a victim of a implant proven and still inskin given of rf and I do have proof of the house that did it can a person please contact me