Silent disc UFO videotaped over New York skies
A New York witness at Owego reported watching and videotaping a disc-shaped UFO crossing the sky silently, according to testimony in Case 51482 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The sighting occurred about 1 p.m. on October 12, 2013, when the witness observed what appeared to be a disk-shaped object flying from the northeast and moving over Owego.
“The object emitted no sound,” the witness stated. “There was no trail after it. There were no visible wings of any kind.”
The witness uploaded a 22-second video taken on a camera phone with the report, which was filed with MUFON on October 12, 2013.

“The disc moved from southwest to the northeast over the western horizon. Shortly after another object the same size and shape, no wings, no trail, no sound was observed flying from east (Binghamton, NY) to the northwest, however, higher in the sky than the first object. Having observed thousands of flights going over this area in the last 30 years, I have never seen anything like this before.”
New York MUFON State Section Director Chuck Streb and Chief Investigator Nicholas Voulgaris investigated this case and closed it as an Unknown. Owego is a town in Tioga County, NY, population 19883.
It’s a cylinder with a dark stripe down the middle, seen it twice in NC.
I have always been curious if anyone else has reported seeing anything similar to what I saw. I wish I had made note of the date. I didn’t so my closest guess is Summer of 1995 or 1996. I lived in Mesa AZ. One night I was floating in my pool, about 10:00 PM. I was floating with head toward the north, feet toward the south. There was a 20 or so foot tall tree thick with leaves that obstructed the distance I could see to the south. All of a sudden a ‘flying wing’ type vehicle comes over the tree moving very fast. It was solid black (blacker than the sky which had city light reflecting). It was VERY visible even though it had no lights of any sort. I would say I observed it for less than 2 seconds. When I say ‘flying wing’ I am talking about something very similar to the 50’s flying wing plane that never went into production. It was definitely not one of the modern stealth planes that have step type right angle surfaces on the back of the wing. This was wing only, no fuselage. To come over my house, it was probably 2 miles west of the south to north approach for commercial traffic into Sky Harbor Airport. It was hard to judge how high it might have been flying but it was low. Because of this, it is also hard to tell if it was fighter size or bomber size. The final detail: it was 100% totally silent. I’m sure it was military and I know that’s not your area but I figure you run into a lot of cases that turn out to be military. I have been waiting 20 years for word to leak that we have a totally silent plane but it has not happened as far as I have heard. Thank you very much.
Tom Johnson
“…I’m sure it was military and I know that’s not your area but I figure you run into a lot of cases that turn out to be military. I have been waiting 20 years for word to leak that we have a totally silent plane but it has not happened as far as I have heard…” — tom johnson
If you could not identify this, how do you know it was military? I have not missed an air show in 20-years, and I can assure you that there are no silent planes. It is as bad to assume a mysterious sighting was man-made as to label it as alien. UFO stands for UNIDENTIFIED Flying Object.
Um, this is exactly what an airliner looks like from a distance. And “a cylinder with a dark stripe down the middle” is a fairly good way of describe an airplane – the stripe being the edge of the wings depending on what angle you are relative to the aircraft. Sorry, but this really isn’t very good evidence of anything.
It’s very obvious that this is a plane. That’s probably why they didn’t zoom in on it when filming. Another hoax.
Hey boneheads. It’s not a military plane. I worked military for 5 years, have a close friend who is in the air force. Military planes aren’t, for the very simple sheep commenting, silver. I just watched, yesterday, two large US military planes fly circuits around the neighboring town about 25 minutes from NYC. Want to know what color they were – typical military dark green / grey combination. Fighter jets can be silver – for that distance that “fighter jet” would have to be well beyond the size of ANY existing fighter jet. By the way, I take it you “geniuses” have never flown in your lives … the width of the object makes it far too “fat” to be a commercial airplane.