Russia’s ‘space troops’ not capable of defending against an alien attack

A Russian military space official admitted on Wednesday, October 2 that his country’s space troops are ill-equipped to defend against an extraterrestrial attack.
According to Russia Today, what was formerly known as the Russian Space Forces is now the Aerospace Defence Forces. This current incarnation of Russia’s space troops was created in 2011 “through the integration of several military branches responsible for anti-missile defense, strategic anti-aircraft warfare and control of outer space.” This new branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is principally responsible for air and space defense. And one of its specific tasks is “Monitoring space objects and identification of potential threats to the Russian Federation in space and from space, prevention of attacks as needed.” But these space troops are apparently not ready if the prevention of an attack from extraterrestrial forces is needed.

While speaking at a media conference at the Titov Main Test and Space Systems Control Center near Moscow, a journalist asked Sergei Berezhnoy, an aide to the head of Center, about defending against an extraterrestrial invasion. Berezhnoy responded, “So far we are not capable of that. We are unfortunately not ready to fight extraterrestrial civilizations.” He explained, “Our center was not tasked with it. There are too many problems on Earth and near it.”
Russia Today points out that, while the space troops may not have the capabilities to fight aliens just yet, they do have extremely effective and high tech resources to help them deal with terrestrial issues and threats.
Even if they have protection against alien threat, they would never tell us. That would be a indirect confirmation of every UFO real nature, it could trigger blabs all over internet. And we know that no gov would do such thing.