Open Minds UFO Radio: Rob Mercer is a field investigator and a state section director in Ohio for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). He also runs the Miami Valley UFO Society. Ron has been investigating UFOs for decades, and always keeps an eye out for UFO material popping up on Craigslist. He is especially watchful given his location, which is near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, home of the US Air Force’s only public UFO Investigation called Project Blue Book.
Recently his efforts paid off and he received boxes full of Project Blue Book UFO files that have been in the private archives of former Blue Book investigators. In this interview, we talk to Rob about his own personal UFO sightings, how he got involved in UFO research, how he obtained these Blue Book files, and what he found within them!
For more about the files, visit MiamiValleyUFOSociety.com.
I found near my house in Alabama look on my google page please Cindalee Easter
I have over thirty hours of UFO audio files dating back to the 1930s.