New poll indicates a fifth of Brits believe aliens have visited Earth
Nearly twenty percent of Britons believe extraterrestrials have visited Earth in UFOs, according to a new poll.
As explains, the question about aliens was posed in an extensive poll commissioned by the TaxPayers’ Alliance, Britain’s independent grassroots campaign for lower taxes. What do extraterrestrials have to do with taxes? Nothing. But the response to the alien question was used to show that more Britons believe Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials than think that taxes are too low.
The poll question specifically asked if voters thought that “alien life forms have visited the earth in UFOs.” Nineteen percent of respondents believe this to be true, whereas sixty-one percent do not. Twenty percent indicated that they were unsure.
Another survey question asked if voters believe “there is other intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.” Sixty-four percent of the respondents indicated that they believe this to be true. Only sixteen percent do not believe this, while twenty-one percent were unsure.