Open Minds UFO Radio: David Pares is an adjunct professor at several colleges, including the University of Nebraska where he is the faculty adviser for their Mutual UFO Network student organization. He has degrees in geography and engineering science, and teaches classes in meteorology, physics, astronomy, geography, geology, statistics and physical science. Pares believes he has unlocked the key to warp technology, and that he and his team of engineers and graduate students have constructed a working warp engine that demonstrates the technology.
Last time we talked with Pares he had tested the warp effect on lasers. However, now he has an engine, and is building a UAV that he hopes he will be able to propel with a warp engine. He has patents on the warp technology, and has formed the company Space Warp Dynamics, LLC.
For more about Pares’ space warp project, visit
Great work ! This is IT ! Try to keep in touch with David Pares as much as possible,
to keep us updated. Try to write articles on his work (for us that don’t have an engineer degree)
that will help us understand is ideas and concepts.
This guy ans his team could bring space exploration to the next level.
Kudos Alejandro, all the time you devoted to this subject (space,cosmology,etc) is finally paying off
big time !
All the best,
Very little new info on this radio show. Disappointed!
Open Minds Radio,
First off, I must say I’m a fan of the radio show. Also, Kevin Randle’s interview was a great example of the sort of critical thinking and professionalism that needs to accompany any conversation involving the ufo subject. Many thanks for introducing him on the program.
As for David Pares’s interview: I respect his position as an educator and encourage any individual to pick up anything involving the act of science. I’m sure that my knowledge of meteorology, along with the ability to multitask, is juvenile at best when compared to his pedagogical repertoire. Mr. Pares’ interest in warp drives and promotion of non-chemical means of propulsion is exactly what is needed in the STEM fields, and more importantly, by the public.
However, I am concerned by his employment of the scientific method and his group’s conclusions. Please understand, below is not bashing or trolling of any kind. Below are some points of concern I found when reading through his warp-research website’s experiment descriptions:
– Experiment #1: Please wiki “michelson interferometer”. I believe he is attempting to use the same mechanism as the LIGO experiment to detect spatial distortion, but in this case it would be caused by an EM-field and not a gravitational wave.
Mr. Pares clames that he can “warp” space by superpositioning the EM fields produced by two diametrically-opposed tripole antenna, and that he can detect it using an interferometer. Assuming a fluctuation in space’s structure is actually produced when the antennas are energized, the interferometer depicted in experiment #1 could only detect spatial fluctuations if the superposition of the antennas’ fields which are necessary for the supposed warp condition occurs on one arm of the beam’s path in the spectrometer and not the other. The warp would elongate (compress?) one of the beam paths and not the other, thus introducing a phase difference on par with the coherence length of the laser’s wavelength, which has the visually observable effect of changing the interference pattern which is generated by bringing the beams back together.
Looking at the nanometer dimensions of the warp core center, the height of the cone seems to only deviate by approx. 1nm or less about its surface. In order to detect the core’s presence, the interferometer in Mr. Pares’ 1st experiment must be able to detect spatial fluctuations at the nanometer scale, since this is the scale of the altered region of space. In order to have the two beams of light constructively/destructively interfere with each other, which is how distance fluctuations are inferred, the two paths must differ by at least half the wavelength of the laser light used in the interferometer. Visible light is about 300-900nm in wavelength which means that the only way this set up could work would be if they used hard x-rays.