Assange on WikiLeaks UFO cables
There are plenty of people who remain hopeful that a future WikiLeaks release will contain evidence of UFOs. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange stated in a 2010 interview that “in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.” However, only minor references to UFOs have appeared so far in the released cables. Further, in a video statement made by Assange in January 2011, he addressed the UFO issue by stating, “I have said in passing there is information about UFOs in Cablegate. And that is true, but these are only small passing references. Most of the material concerns UFO cults, and their behavior in recruiting people.” He specifically mentions the Raelian movement as the topic of a large cable.
Alejandro Rojas recently wrote an article addressing mentions of UFOs in WikiLeaks cables, and that can be read here –