Wingless rectangular UFO videotaped over Indiana
An Indiana witness at Sellersburg reported watching and videotaping a rectangle-shaped UFO crossing the clear blue sky, according to testimony in Case 56640 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was walking to his car about 6:30 p.m. on May 26, 2014, when the object was first noticed and thought to be an airliner.
“It was moving from west to east at high altitude and at a comparable speed to an airliner in my estimation,” the witness stated.“As I looked closer, I noticed the object did not appear to have wings.”
The witness then began taking photos and videos of the object with his phone.
“After the object was far enough away so as not to be visible, I got in my car and cropped the photos down to get a closer look. It was then that I was pretty sure that what I had just saw was no conventional aircraft. It appeared to have no wings or tailwing. It also appeared to be rectangular in shape, with a perfectly squared front and back. Did not look at all aerodynamic in the pictures. I shared the video and pictures with a friend who is a UPS pilot, and while he cannot completely rule out the possibility it was an airplane, he is equally puzzled by the rectangular shape and lack of visible wings.”

Sellersburg is a town located within Silver Creek Township, Clark County, Indiana, population 6,128. Indiana MUFON Field Investigator Patrick O’Brien closed the case as an Unknown. The case was reported to MUFON on May 26, 2014.
“The object could have been military,” O’Brien stated in his report,“but no jet aircraft at the local Air Guard Base, only C-130 aircraft.It is highly unlikely this would have been a military flight as described. It is in more keeping with other similar reports that have been received in the state.”
As a private UFO researcher I have filmed objects exactly like this on approx 10 occasions. My opinion is it is a jet aircraft. I actually showed my footage to someone who is the head of the paint department at Northrop in Palmdale, Ca. I was told, not with great detail of course that many military jets are painted with a special paint that bends light to render the aircraft almost invisible at times. This is where are the reports of so called “fake planes”, aka ufo’s camouflaged as aircraft come from where the aircraft is missing wings, parts of the fuselage and so on. Bases on my experience and investigation, I would have to say it’s a jet. Light is reflecting off the fuselage and the wings are not visible due to the chemistry used in the aircraft paint.
That appears to be the same type of craft seen over Seymour, IN., several times in the past couple of years.
10 Best Places To Spot A UFO :
I saw something like that over Indianapolis in ~Sept 2012, reported it to MUFON. What I saw did not have wings. It was in the evening and very peculiar in that:
1) There were airplanes high in the sky, all with contrails. You could faintly make out wings on those airplanes.
2.) This thing lumbered through 90 deg. of sky. The sun was in the west, but the whole time it shined very brightly.
3.) The waitress came to the table, took my order. I made eye contact during the order. While she was taking my wife’s order, I looked back up and it was still to my right. She had one last question for me. I turned to look at her while I answered it (it was a yes no question). I turned back to look at the object. It was gone. Just gone. I was turned away for maybe 10 seconds.
8 blocks west of Arrow Highway / Indian Hill Blvd, at Geneva st, 1 house south, east down the old Alleyway, theyre was a turn of the century old resevoir.
It always had rain water just sitting in it, a very murky, nasty place, many items and dead animals in there over the years.
So, 1974, im 13, 630 pm, my best freind and i watch as a rectangle shaped craft parked in the sky 200 ft up and 40p feet east if us. Its pointed north east. Its turns in place and with a black cable or hose going jnto the resevoir reels up into the craft with a bright red light at the end, into the crzft, it sounded like a hovercraft.
I saw something like this in Ireland, over south Dublin February, 5th 2023.