UFO photograph from Montemorelos, Mexico
From the archive of Col. Wendelle Stevens, US Air Force, retired.
Montemorelos, State of Nueva Leon, Mexico, Summer 1994, 12:30
At our International UFO Congress at Mesquite, Nevada in February 1996, well known UFO investigator and TV news channel reporter Santiago Yturria of Monterrey TV introduced the results of a nine month investigation into a remarkable UFO case in his area.

On an unremembered day in the summer of 1994, Sr. Jose “Pepe” Martinez and friends were on an “outing” in the countryside near Montemorelos. They were hiking in the wooded area at a place called “El Terrero” and Pepe was carrying his camera as usual. At about 12:30 PM Pepe went back to the little ranch there to prepare the spit for a barbecue lunch and to get the meat ready to cook, while the others stayed playing in the river. It was at this moment that this extraordinary experience happened to Pepe, as he explained in his own words. “I was preparing the spit, when I felt a sensation and turned to look behind me. What I saw was a strange “cloud”, very much like an atomic mushroom cloud, but no sound. I didn’t see it very clearly (he had been drinking beer all morning) but it made me feel very strange, because I couldn’t hear any sound. At that moment I looked to my right, and I saw something floating over the trees and it was shining because of the sunlight. I confess I didn’t see it clearly as it seemed to be materializing from that point in the sky. I remember that I felt a kind of paralyzing sensation in my body but I could still move myself. The first thing that came to mind was that it could be a joke from my friends, so on impulse I took my camera (he had his camera hanging from his neck) and took a picture. I remember that in that moment I still couldn’t see what I was photographing and the camera reloaded the next photo quickly. Then I walked a few steps toward the thing and took a second picture.”
Pepe’s camera reloaded automatically in 3 seconds, but he could not remember why he did not take more pictures. He could only remember walking back to the spit and feeling confused. The camera was a pocket Kodak Cameo 35mm.
I just dont know if the body of evidence can get any bigger. In the words of so many exmilitary, from around the world, eventualy the amount of information will reach a criticl mass and the validity of the phenomenon will be undoubtable. Governments and nations worldwide will be forced to disclose due simply to the fact that the amount of information already known to the public is insurmountable.