UFO orb caught on security camera in Michigan twice this month
A man in Michigan has caught a mysterious orb flying around his yard on his security camera on two separate nights this month. On both videos the bright orb changes colors and beams a light onto the ground and his trees. Some people believe a humanoid figure can be seen in the beam at one point in the second video.
On October 8, a YouTube account under the name jcattera posted a video (seen above) of what he calls a UFO orb he claims he caught on his security camera on October 2. He says the orb was caught on a camera pointed at his front yard. The bright object appears to be lighting up the trees in his front yard with a beam of light. He also posted a video examining the tress the next day. Nothing unusual seems to have happened to the trees.
The poster also answers a number of questions on his sighting in the video’s description, which he continues to update. He says the video was taken at around 11 pm, and that he lives in Southeast Michigan. He also notes that he is only 8 miles from an Air National Guard base. He says he doesn’t want to give more detailed information on his location in fear of “UFO hunter traffic,” probably a wise decision.
He says the video is in color because he was actually trying to catch a fireball on camera. He says there have been a lot of fireball reports, and he noticed that they are better in color. So he turned off the black and white night vision mode it is usually set at for security pictures, and kept it in color mode. However, he was not expecting the strange luminous object he got.
He also provided a picture of his front yard that he took with his iPhone near the security camera to get a similar view to what is seen in the video.

On October 13, jcattera posted a second video he says was taken the previous morning at 2:15 am. This time the orb was in his backyard, and he says it appears as though it was sucking up water from his pond. Viewers of the video have commented that they believe they see a humanoid figure at one point in the video in the beam of light near the pond.
The film is choppy because as jcattera points out, it is a security camera that at most films at 15 frames per second. This is also why the video has no sound.
Author and purported alien abductee Whitley Streiber posted the UFO video with a note that his photo analyst believe the video to be “almost certainly authentic.”
Jcattera says he is setting up more cameras to get better footage. He also says he hopes that others get footage as well. He says that the light seems so bright that there had to be other witnesses. He also set up a second YouTube account under the name jcaterra2 where he is backing up his videos because he says jcaterra has been “under attack.”
Now these are impressive videos of lights in the night sky.
Is there any chance of a real investigation?
No, Wait!
Someone needs to ask Bill Nye what he thinks!
I can here him now..
“That’s a sky diver, or an airplane performing maneuvers from a distance.”
You know?
Because the two resemble each other.?.?
Because the man can’t say “I don’t know”.
** end rant **
UFODI have an amazing sighting in from Orange county. ts the same UFO recorded as one two days before hand. Bright yellow object shooting all over orange county CA.
The laser pointer on glass – pepper’s ghost effect. Dead giveaways as the flare of light flashes on the right side of the screen. This laser point is available in Office Depot.
First impression, a timid animal. A deer approaching an unfamiliar watering hole or hummingbird at a feeder. If this is in deed authentic, looks like something cautiously in search of water.
just ran into your awesome video! We plan on checking out your You Tube channel! We are still new to this UFO/anomalies stuff since last year when we began star gazing and then really bizarre things started appearing. We have over 100 pictures and night trail cam pictures of very strange objects and bright weird shaped orb like anomalies that give off their own lights. We plan on putting up a You Tube channel to show everyone what we get. We are now, also catching stuff inside the house! Let us know if you are still seeing these things!