Rectangle UFO hovers 500 feet over Wisconsin highway

A Wisconsin witness at Verona reported watching a “hovering black object” about 500 feet off of the ground in a rectangular shape, according to testimony in Case 74442 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was driving to work at 5:44 a.m. on February 11, 2016, when the object was first observed hovering at about 500 feet.
“I pulled over since I noticed that the object was not moving,” the witness stated.“I noticed the object since it had four red lights on each corner and a blinking white light in the center.”
The witness first assumed the object was simply a plane at a distance, but moving closer realized it was something else.

“My second thought was that it was some sort of drone, which was not the case either since the object was rather large, about the size of a car. The next thing I noticed is that the object was sort of a transparent color, so with the dark color of the sky at 5 a.m., it appeared black.”
The object remained hovering during the entire observation.
“As I was leaving, the object was still stationary until it was out of my sight. I asked coworkers that take the same route, but take the route at a later time, and they said that they did not notice anything. So I deducted that this object was stationary there for about 30 minutes. I waited to see if there were reports on anything seen since there was heavy traffic on the highway rather close to the location.”

Wisconsin MUFON State Director Michael Lucas is investigating. Verona is a city in Dane County, Wisconsin, population 10,619. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
I have had this sighting however it was a different day. I was coming home from work in Verona heading east on the same road. However, this was in December of 2015,~ 7:45pm. I pulled over on the side of the road and looked around to see if anyone else was going to stop. looked at it for five minutes than had to get home. No noise, appeared perfectly still. could see the lights on a solid looking rectangular craft.Other than that identical sighting. I’m blown away and am going to ask friends in the area to keep an eye on the sky. I’m baffled that it appeared and disappeared in the same area. What went through my mind as i drove home was ” we’ll if that is what it looked like then either it is an excellent hoax or an alien craft”. I saw it so plainly that if i was a little closer I’m sure i would have found out.
“Stationary for about 30 minutes” seems arbitrary, not deductive, since nobody else reported seeing it after witness left.
I saw a craft near Milwaukee that was rectangular. Feel free to contact me at
I saw that same craft on 3/2/18 in nearly the same location (just past Madison as I drove west towards Monroe). It was dark out… maybe 8 pm? It was hovering, and I could see lights on the flat side that would be the “bottom” of a triangle if you stood it up. The light in the middle moved to the right, but two lights on either side of it stayed still. As we drove, it flew very slowly (or maybe it was just us moving along the road?) It was so close that I could make out the shape and height of the triangle, even in the darkness. There was a single red light on the back. I told my husband, but my son was so scared that to calm him down I had to let my husband say “it’s just a plane”- although we both knew it was not. (This is the SAME type of craft my husband has seen several times growing up in Madison. My brother also has seen this years ago in Stoughton. (At that time I didn’t even believe in them!) So, in confirmation, this WAS witnessed by others, and has been for years in this area.
(Check out Gaia channel “Cosmic Disclosure” show with people who have VERY inside information on the Secret Space Program and much MUCH more!) I’m so glad I found out how much more there is out there, as well as “right under our feet”…?