Phoenix airport employee reports UFO near tower

An Arizona witness at an airport in the Tempe-Phoenix area reported watching a chevron-shaped UFO under 500 feet, according to testimony in Case 75640 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was outside at the airport “disposing of trash” about 9 p.m. on March 1, 2016, when the incident occurred.

“The lights were what I noticed at first,” the witness stated.“They were white and formed a chevron shape that allowed me to notice the shape of the object. It was very large as it passed beside me. I was near the tower, so I knew it was high, but not too high as for me not to get an idea how large this object was.”
There were other possible witnesses to the UFO.
“The planes at Terminal 4 were lined up and nothing was moving. I was in total disbelief that it was happening. It made no noise at all.”

The witness described the object’s movement.
“As I observed the object,it travelednortheast over to the Sky Train Station. I lost view of the lights then. It was darker than the sky with the exception of the lights emanating from the bottom where it was black.”
The witness did not feel afraid.
“I didn’t feel anything but shock as I pondered what had just taken place. The lights where I was dumping the trash had a nonfunctional light. It was not changed until a few days later. So I knew a glare would not have affected what I had seen. The tug I had used to drive there was off so no other light source was close enough to hamper my vision. This event lasted just about five minutes or so. I felt calm and no sense of danger or apprehension afterwards. Just a sense of wonder and amazement that something so huge could travel in the air and not make any noise.”
Arizona MUFON Field Investigator Valerie Edwards is investigating. The witness provided one illustration with the report, which was filed on April 6, 2016.

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport services both Tempe and Phoenix. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
This allegedly happened at a surely busy metro airport at 9pm; I’m quite sure there ARE other witnesses…..A LOT of them–likely with video and/or cellphone video of this thing. I’ll be on the watch for MUFON’s follow up of Investigator Edwards’ findings.
Mr. Marsh I am a retired LAPD detective now living in Thailand with my wife of forty-seven years, I spent 25yrs with LAPD an ten years with the USAF as a combat aircrewman. I am sure that this witness saw some thing otherworldly, but just what is the main question! I wrote a book that explains why I am convinced about the UFO question being real, it is titled “A view to the Unknown”. Available on all book sales sites, I wrote a blog for The Paranomalist which is owned by John Carlson (see page two of his site and read my story it may be enteresting to you). This is a very strange world we live in and people experience some very strange things! I doubt that we will ever solve very many of them if any! As a detective I am naturally inclined to investigate thing that need to be looked into. Thanks for your time sir, if you would like to contact me please do so any time, thanks.
I’ve had four close encounters while living in Phoenix. Three were in broad daylight. One involved a orange/red ground probe that passed less than 16 ft in front of me, where I suspect I was bio-scanned. Another was an “in yo face” stare down with a UFO during my lunch hour, that lasted about five minutes while I was smoking a cigarette. This happened smack dab in the middle of Phoenix, near a busy intersection where the Light Rail passes through, as well as city buses headed east and west, and north and south. With each of these daylight encounters, no one else saw squat. I’ve taken a lot of photos of UFOs over the last two years. My photos are too much for most people to deal with. They aren’t like the ones folks take at their family picnic, which include a dot in the sky in the background of Mom and Dad.