Orb UFO caught on video over Illinois
An Oak Park, IL, witness shooting video of a storm cloud caught something else on camera he could not identify, according to testimony in Case 68838 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

“I was shooting video of a storm cloud emitting heat lightning from our back porch,” the witness stated. “When I viewed the video I saw a streak of light that I cannot explain or rationalize.”

The witness slowed the video speed down and shoed it to friends – who could not identify what the light was. Someone recommended the witness pass the video along to MUFON.
“The orb appears 11 seconds in.”

The object looks like a bright orb and is moving in a downward motion as though it’s moving toward the ground level.
Illinois MUFON State Director Sam Maranto and Assistant State Director Roger Laurella are investigating. The witness report was filed on July 31, 2015.
You can hear something that sounds like an electrical arc, before the object comes into view.
Then you see this object, which to me looks very much like molten metal, from a high tension line spark.