Omaha police officer has triangle UFO encounter
A Nebraska police officer in Omaha reported watching a slow-moving triangle UFO under 500 feet above a local Walmart store, according to testimony in Case 74492 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The police officer was patrolling the area near Walmart and looked up and saw the triangle-shaped craft at 5:38 p.m. on January 13, 2016.
“When I first saw the craft I knew right off what it was,” the witness stated. “The object was bright having only three lights.”
The sighting happened rather quickly under partly cloudy skies.
“It moved slowly for about several seconds and then just disappeared.My actions were – I motioned the people to drive from the stop sign. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing and last, I kept my eyes on the object. The triangle craft just vanished in the night sky.”
The witness included two sketches with the report, which was filed on February 23, 2016. Nebraska MUFON Field Investigator Frederick Zewe is investigating.
Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
So what , if I close my eyes whit a turn on radio on me/Walkman/ and earplug in my ears I can saw universe and can fly on radio waves in to other part of universe.
Odd have everything in cop car even cell with camera and a regular camera to photograph accidents but we get a sketch could have a class of kids draw this and at least keep between lines when coloring
Video from a cop car is directed at the street not the sky..think how long it takes to grab your cell phone and parse through the icons to get a photo. If it’s night out, it’s impossible to get a good long distance’d have to have a huge telephoto lens and high quality digital camera in your hand during the day to catch a photo of a ufo or a few seconds. They don’t hang around for a photo shoot. I practiced taking photos at a Blue Angel Airshow and even though I knew they were coming I got only a few good photos..