Another mystery missile – in New York this time
As with the UFO sightings hype of October, initiated by a mass UFO sighting in New York, it appears that media hype surrounding the mysterious Los Angeles coast vapor trail is going to result in additional “mystery missile” sightings around the country. The New York Post is reporting a New York mystery missile. Yesterday, a Queens resident photographed what he believed to be rocket in the sky above Brooklyn or New Jersey.
The investigation into the strange vapor trail off California’s coast has been called off by the Pentagon after reaching the conclusion that the trail was simply caused by an airplane, and an “optical illusion” from the camera’s angle is what gave the plane and its trail the missile-like appearance.
But there are many who refuse to accept the Pentagon’s explanation.
According to the New York Post, Doug Richardson, editor of Jane’s Missiles and Rockets magazine, said he was certain it was “a solid-propellant missile,” referring to the Los Angeles UFO. Further, the NYP states that the Pentagon, Navy, Air Force, Federal Aviation Administration, Coast Guard and North American Aerospace Defense Command have said that, following their investigations, they are unable to explain what it was.
As for the latest “mystery missile” in New York, the witness who took the photograph said that the trail he observed did not resemble the usual contrails produced by planes from the nearby JFK Airport.
I work in Nassau County, Long Island and i was leaving from my job to go home for the night, at about 4:35pm NOV 10th. Just as i step outside the door, right in front of me up in the sky, facing West towards NYC, is this long streak of smoke going straight up. The first thing that comes to mind is: “Oh wow, it looks just like that missile in California.” I saw the video of it on the news. The streak i saw was yellow/orange/brown in color. The sun was setting so it was reflecting off of it. And i could see a tiny white/silver object glowing at the very top of this streak of smoke, going straight up. Again, the sun is reflecting off of it. It really did look like a missle or rocket had been shot off. But how can that be, right over NYC?!? That’s crazy! As i walked home i would look back at it from time to time and the trail of smoke was getting wider. I could no longer see any small object flying, just the smoke in the sky. By the time i got home i no longer was looking for it. It HAD to be a plane.
A plane??!!?? Thats the best the goverment can come up with?? hahaha do they think the public is really that stupid? I dont know wether to be amused or offended. This is just like back in the 40’s and 50’s when everything was credited to weather ballons. Well at least they’re getting more creative with the “angle of the lens” and what ever crap they use to explain these strange sightings.
I wouldent call the public “stupid”, but gullible absolutly. Its no secret that most people beleive what mainstream media tells them, immediatly and without question. Though i have never seen a traditional prop (propeller) plane create con or chemtrails such as these, the fact of the matter is that there is no documented evidence to show these trails are NOT being produced by a turbine, rocket, or jet engine. Once conclusive documentation is made we will be able to more accuratly explain these phenomenon. Until then it would be wise to withhold all speculation. Simply to avoid discrediting ones self and/or the entire UFO community.
On friday night just after sunset my friend and I were pretty much in the center of baja. we were driving north and were about one hour from reaching Catavina. Thats when we saw what looked like a missile or maybe it could have been a meteor dew west of us light up the sky. It had a very bright center and left the mother of all trails behind it. It seemed to be going away from us and loosing altitude. It had a slight spiraling trajectory thru the sky. I was driving and couldn’t take my eyes off the road to observe every second of it but my friend did. We didnt get a picture but several other saw it as well. The link below is their account of the sighting. Sounds like a few people got photos of it and they will be posting it shortly. We were in baja for the baja 1000 offroad race. Can anyone help explain what we saw?
On friday night 11-19-10 just after sunset my friend and I were pretty much in the center of baja. we were driving north and were about one hour from reaching Catavina. Thats when we saw what looked like a missile or maybe it could have been a meteor dew west of us light up the sky. It had a very bright center and left the mother of all trails behind it. It seemed to be going away from us and loosing altitude. It had a slight spiraling trajectory thru the sky. I was driving and couldn’t take my eyes off the road to observe every second of it but my friend did. We didnt get a picture but several other saw it as well. The link below is their account of the sighting. Sounds like a few people got photos of it and they will be posting it shortly. We were in baja for the baja 1000 offroad race. Can anyone help explain what we saw?