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Minnesota witness videotapes recurring UFO

A Minnesota witness in Aitkin County reported seeing the same UFO every night and offered video as evidence, according to testimony in Case 50785 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness stated that she was seeing the same object nightly. Pictured: Cropped portion of a video frame from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)
The witness stated that she was seeing the same object nightly. Pictured: Cropped portion of a video frame from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)

Few details were originally given up by the witness except to say that she was seeing the same UFO on a daily basis. This report reflected a sighting at approximately 7:18 p.m. on September 12, 2013. The case was reported to MUFON on the same date.

The object appeared to be over 500 feet in altitude and about one mile away. Pictured: Cropped portion of a video frame from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)
The object appeared to be over 500 feet in altitude and about one mile away. Pictured: Cropped portion of a video frame from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)

Minnesota MUFON Field Investigator Thomas Knox investigated this case and closed it as an Unknown.

The object appeared to be larger than a basketball if held at arm’s length. Pictured: Cropped portion of a video frame from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)
The object appeared to be larger than a basketball if held at arm’s length. Pictured: Cropped portion of a video frame from the witness video. (Credit: MUFON)

In the investigation report, the object is described by the witness as hovering, descending, blinking and pulsing with an apparent size larger than a basketball if held at arm’s length. The object appeared to be at an altitude higher than 500 feet and at a distance of more than one mile.

Aitkin County, MN, has a population of 16,202.

Roger Marsh

Roger Marsh is a UFO writer and content developer. He is Director of Communications for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) where he manages media contact, rights and permissions, and content development for television, film, documentary, radio, print and stage. Roger is a MUFON case researcher for History channel’s “Hangar 1: The UFO Files.” He is editor of the monthly international MUFON UFO Journal, executive producer of the weekly “MUFON UFO Traffic Report” radio show; serves as the MUFON webmaster; reporter for the daily “UFO Traffic Report” in web and audio formats; and publisher of the “MUFON Books” imprint. He is the author of Sacred Dialogue, editor of Silent Invasion, and co-editor of Ron Paul Speaks. Roger was featured in the 2015 season premiere episode of Destination America's "Monsters & Mysteries in America." Roger and his wife, Joyce, live in Scottdale, Pennsylvania, restoring a 1910 Pennsylvania four-square.

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  1. Maybe because it’s behind a tree? Just saying, I can do the same thing with the moon. Gives the effect because the leaves are moving. I do believe in ufos not sure about this one though.

  2. But what if it IS NOT the moon filmed through trees, you boneheads are grasping for straws trying to automatically explain away something that may in fact be exactly as presented.

  3. I have attempted for a long time to find a video that represents the UFO I saw on 1/19/13 near Boulder, which I reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (www.nuforc.org/webreports/096/S96158.html). Mine was a daylight sighting but looked very much like what the MN witness videotaped at night.

  4. Yeah, it’s hard to tell whether it is the moon behind trees or not. We don’t see any stars or any other forms of reference near it.

    I caught something on video once but have multiple other sightings. For reference, this object is well behind another tall apartment building, and probably on the other side of the highway and up to a mile away. Its filmed 1/2 speed in night vision and you can see it move at ~2 min. then dance around in the trees while blinking (recommend clicking HD and having a large screen). I don’t claim to know what it is but it doesn’t seem to offer a conventional explanation.


  5. About 1964-65,I was walking with friends one night in Brooklyn N.Y..Looking up I saw six lights,almost like stars,moving slowly They were in a formation that looked like two triangles.They stopped and the two lights that would be the points of the triangles,moved in line with the others making a shape of a six on dice, then it was gone. Fast forward 1988 and I’m watching a UFO documentary and there is the same formation I saw years before.There was seventh light in this formation that I may have missed before. I have had two other sightings over the years one also witnessed by a friend. As I was pointing out the constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius a light,like a star blinked three and a half times made like a U turn and disappeared between the two signs. Still looking, there out there.

  6. Ok the videotape from aitkin, mn. On sept.2013 is exactly what i have been seeing every single night for 3
    months. Its not the noon through some leaves its not a drone, its not a plane, i need to know where exactly
    it was seen. If this is the same spot and now its 2018…we need to talk.

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