Extraterrestrial Abduction Day?

Of the many individuals who claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials, many report the experience as unpleasant. But not all abductees consider their experiences negative. Perhaps those who claim to have had positive experiences with extraterrestrials are the ones who will be celebrating today.
According to Yahoo, Extraterrestrial Abduction Day is also sometimes called Alien Abduction Day (extraterrestrial is the more politically correct term for those not from Earth).
The origin of Extraterrestrial Abduction Day is unknown, but Fox News says the day was popularized by the 2008 Alien Abduction Day festival in Toronto.
One of the more well-known abduction cases is that of Travis Walton who encountered a strange craft in the woods near Snowflake, Arizona in 1975. Members of Walton’s logging crew also observed the UFO. The crew fled in fear, but Walton was taken by the UFO, and he was not returned for five days. The story is incredibly fascinating, and was even turned into the movie Fire in the Sky.
Travis Walton was a speaker at both the 2011 and 2012 International UFO Congress (IUFOC) in Arizona.
Rather than “celebrating” such a silly day, we would rather take the opportunity to highlight the Walton case. So today, we added Travis Walton’s presentation from the 2011 IUFOC to the Open Minds YouTube channel.