A new Experiencer Survey has been posted to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) website in addition to the ongoing Experiencer Questionnaire.
Alien abduction is reported in addition to UFO sightings in a small percentage of cases filed with the MUFON. The group has been using an Experiener Questionnaire.
“MUFON’s current Experiencer Questionnaire is a screening tool designed to determine what participants have in common with the 50 experiencers who participated in the “Marden-Stoner Commonalities Among Abduction Experiencers” Study in 2012,” MUFON Director of Experiencer Research Kathleen Marden said. “The yearlong study obtained quantitative evidence of 23 characteristics that experiencers share. We discovered that these characteristics are not common among the general population. Those who complete the questionnaire will be contacted by a member of MUFON’s Experiencer Research Team.”
MUFON’s Experiencer Research Team (ERT) works with experiencers in several different ways. It is a triage unit designed to assist experiencers in making the choices that are right for them. The initial step required to initiate this process is for experiencers to complete the Experiencer Questionnaire. The experiencer will be contacted by a member of MUFON’s ERT with their questionnaire results.
Marden said several options are offered.
“First, the experiencer might have had an event and would like to talk about it with someone, but not necessarily report it. The ERT provides a non-judgmental ear. Or second, they might have had an experience that caused trauma and are seeking therapy. The ERT assists experiencers in locating professional therapists if they are requested to do so. The third route is when experiencers would like to find a support group where they can meet like-minded people and discuss their experience/s without fear of judgment or ridicule. The fourth option is for experiencers who would like to report their event/s.”
If these individuals appear to have had a physical alien abduction, the ERT team member will instruct them on what to expect from an investigation by MUFON. If they’d like to file a formal report, they are directed to go to MUFON’s “Report a UFO” link and fill out the questionnaire on MUFON’s Case Management System (CMS). They will wait for a MUFON Field Investigator to contact them.
“This then begins the CMS Case process,” Marden said. “The first three steps do not necessarily lead to a formal CMS report. It is all about helping the individual cope with what has happened to them.”
In addition to providing support for experiencers, MUFON’s Experiencer Research Team conducts social research.
The Experiencer Survey expands upon the “Marden-Stoner Commonalities Among Abduction Experiencers” study. Participants are asked to complete the survey, answering all of the questions related to the research.
“They should plan on spending 20 minutes to answer all of the questions,” Marden said. “A prerequisite to participation is partial recall of their experiences. They will not be contacted after they complete this questionnaire unless they are selected to participate in phase two of the study. The results will be presented at MUFON’s 2016 MUFON International Symposium and via MUFON’s website. “
In past decades, people have been reluctant to file an alien abduction case, but Marden says that it changing.
“Yes, absolutely,” Marden said. “The ERT has received more than 1,000 reports in the past 18 months.”
As both the subject of UFOs and alien abduction is better understood people are more open to filing reports.
“The majority of the reports we receive are historical cases,” Marden said. “Yet many are ongoing and have occurred throughout the experiencer’s lifetime.”
Marden’s research in this field is tracking trends.
“The ‘Marden-Stoner Commonalities Study’ found 23 commonalities on the 45 question questionnaire. The majority of participants had conscious, continuous recall of at least one encounter. Most believe that their first experience occurred when they were less than 20 years old. Most describe their lives as stable and happy, except for the stress caused by their abductions. Questions about what occurred during periods of ‘missing time’ are troubling to many. Many experience difficulty falling asleep due to their fear of being taken. There are many additional trends, but since we are engaged in scientific research, we don’t want to skew our results by providing a lot of information about these trends.”
You can read more about MUFON’s Experiencer Research Team at their website.
We want to introduce you to a new not-for-profit research organization that has been established by various academics, Ph.D. physicists, Ph.D. psychologists, various scientists, medical professionals, and a diversity of “EXPERIENCERS”, working under one umbrella, to bring together diverse voices in the subject areas of UFO related Contact with non-human intelligence and related “paranormal” phenomena, and “Consciousness Studies”– The Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE). FREE will officially launch on August 1, 2015.
FREE is a scientific research not for profit organization founded by Dr. Rudy Schild, Dr. Edgar Mitchell and several others. Rudy is an Emeritus Professor of Astro-Physics at Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and will be the first Executive Director of FREE. Dr. Schild was for many years on the Board of Directors of the John Mack Institute– Dr. Mack was a medical doctor and pioneer in investigating individuals that have had UFO related “contact” with non human intelligent beings. Dr. Edgar Mitchell was the 6th man on the Moon, is known as the “Father” of the modern UFO Disclosure Movement, and is also the founder of the Institute for Noetic Sciences. Both Edgar and Rudy have also published scientific articles on the physics of our reality and have contributed to the emerging field of what is now commonly known as “Consciousness Studies.”
FREE has various scientists, academics and the top researchers in the field known as UFO related Contact. These academics and scientists are undertaking the first ever long term comprehensive ACADEMIC research study on the UFO related Contact Phenomena– The FREE Experiencer Research Study. Our research study will focus on individuals who have had any type of UFO related “Contact” with a “Non-Human Intelligent Being”.
The Mission of FREE will focus on “Research, Education, and Support.” Our primarily focus, however, will be on scientific investigation through surveys and interviews of individuals who have had UFO related contact experiences with non-human sentient beings and to compare this group with individuals that have had other types of “paranormal contact experiences” through the following: NDEs, OBEs, Hallucinogenic/ Entheogenic natural substances, hypnotic regression, Mystical Meditation Travel, Channeling, Remote Viewing, and human encounters with non-human intelligence, and related paranormal contact experiences.
All FREE Board of Directors endorse the Post-Materialist Paradigm (PMP), promulgated by Dr. Edgar Mitchell since the early 1970s who helped to establish the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), a paradigm that firmly believes that consciousness is non-local and independent of the brain. This view of non-local consciousness allows us to possibly explain a wide variety of special states of consciousness and all the so called “paranormal” contact phenomena.
In addition, FREE will also uphold the views established by the field of “Transpersonal Psychology” that investigates the “Spiritual” aspects of our reality with openness and to help others who have had direct personal contact experiences to integrate these experiences into their daily lives and possibly into their spiritual practice. To this end, FREE will continue to support all “Experiencers” of paranormal experiences through the “FREE EXPERIENCER BUDDY PROGRAM” and other support services.
No one has ever attempted this type of study before. Our study involves 3 comprehensive quantitative surveys totally more than 900 questions and a follow-up formal interview. Phase 1 is our initial simple survey, comprised of only 125 questions that can be completed in 15-20 minutes. Our Phase 2 and Phase 3 Surveys will be administered to those individuals completing Phase 1 and indicate their willingness to proceed with our study. The formal interview will be the Phase 4 component of our study and will involve a series of 50 “open ended” questions.
As of August 8, 2015, we have received 1,720 responses to our Phase 1 survey and 912 responses to our Phase 2 survey, both in the English language. One other factor that distinguishes our research study is that our surveys are also being circulated to non-English speakers. As of July 15, 2015, we have surveys circulating in English, Spanish, and French. We also are translating these surveys into Mandarin, Portuguese and requesting assistance for translations into other languages.
Dr. Jon Klimo is the Chair of our FREE Experiencer Research Study. Dr. Klimo has chaired over 250 Ph.D. dissertations, 75 of them on the topic of the “paranormal”. He has published numerous academic books and articles on the “Paranormal”, most in peer reviewed academic journals. Dr. Klimo has also taught “Research Methodology” for over 40 years. Dr. Klimo developed the “Research Methodology” for our scientific research study.
FREE also has an Experiencer Research Committee that reports to the Board of Directors and these members are as follows: Dr. Jon Klimo (Our Chair), Dr. Leo Sprinkle, Dr. Bob Davis, Mary Rodwell, Kathleen Marden, Denise Stoner, Giorgio Piacenza, Rosemary Ellen Guilley and Dr. Michael Melton. This is the cream of the crop when it comes to “Contact Researchers/Academics”. Most of these individuals have conducted research on “Experiences” for over 25 years.
The objective of our study is, for the first time, to have comprehensive statistical and cross tabulated data findings about the phenomena of UFO related Contact as well as interview findings to back up the quantitative data. We expect to have an initial publication of our findings by the summer of 2016. After the publication of this initial report, all of our data will be placed in the public domain in our new FREE website (not yet available) to be used by all researchers and the public.
ANONYMITY: Confidentiality and Anonymity is extremely important to us. As a participant for our 3 surveys and formal interview, the Participant has a choice to remain completely “ANONYMOUS”. There will not be a way for anyone to find out who is the Participant, where they live, or any other personal information to identify you. In addition, the Interviewer will not have any personal identifying information about you. Instead, the Participant will be given a Respondent Number. During your Interview you will not be asked any information to identify who you are (name, address, or other sensitive personal ID information). All of the voice interviews will be audio taped and later transcribed to paper via appropriate software. This is the reason why it is important to maintain complete anonymity. After the voice files have been transcribed, they will be destroyed. What will be left is a transcribed document that will not have any personal identifying information except for the Respondent Number.
Please inform all “EXPERIENCERS”, individuals that have had any type of UFO related “Contact” with a “Non-Human Intelligent Beings”, about our FREE Experiencer Research Study and encourage them to take our initial survey.
Should you have any question about our research study please send us an email to: EXPERIENCER.CO@gmail.com
Dr. Rudy Schild, Executive Director
Dr. Jon Klimo, Chair, FREE Experiencer Research Project
The Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE)
Email: EXPERIENCER.CO@gmail.com
I’ live in Elliot Lake Ontario Canada and I’m trying to find an Organisation that might be able to help me with a problem which I believe is connected to an experience involving Alien Abduction. Also I believe it could be connected to the man who raised me. He is now a retire Canadian Air Force member, that worked fat NORAD.
I was lost for hours on end in the forest in Nov. 1974, with unaccountable time and found by him and I’ve had some weird visions/ memories slowly creeping there way back in. Also more importantly I have had a childhood broken collarbone detected that family says I never had; as well as surgery on my backside in my 20’s caused from buggery, that family says never happened. However medical documentation proves otherwise.
I guess what I’m looking for is a Specialist who might be able to help me find out what happened during that missing time. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that it involves an Alien Abduction. I’ve put it off for years, but I’m now 54 years old and I have to know. I want to find out, one way or the other. Is there any way your Organisation might be of assistance to me?
Sincerest Regards,
September, 1974 I and 3 friends witnessed a bright light about 1 mile away. It approached slowly. We first thought it was a helicopter. As it got closer we realized it made no noise. It was traveling about 7 mph. The front light was est 4ft x 10ft, The craft was about 40ft above the ground and totally silent. As it passed over a street light, the shape could be seen. It was rectangular with angular edges. It had 4 portholes. I jumped on a 10 speed and rode parallel to the next block. The rear of the craft had 5 or 6 round lights, different colors. I got ahead of the craft and parked the bike. I crept behind a light pole. I saw 4 beings inside, 3 “Greys” and one insectoid creature that seemed to be incharge. Our eyes met. I have no memory until I found myself 20ft away from where I was and glimpsed the craft leave to the west at an impossible rate. No sonic boom. I rode to a near by friends house and told what happened. I lost over 45minutes. We counted over 50 aircraft in a matter of minutes in a low traffic area. My friend that I left behind called the authorities. The following day, he was confronted by 2 government like men who made direct threats. A few years latter I mentioned UFOs to another friend who began to tell me very similar things. I told him to draw what he saw. He ws taking graphic arts so his sketch was good. I am an artist and design engineer. Our sketches were absolutely the same craft. He has had life issues. I have had and have what I believe is knowledge of things I shouldn’t, and was a successful design engineer. I worked for DOD & DOE Contractors and was courted by ORNL & Westinghouse SRS. I held a security clearance for 2 decades. I did not discuss my encounter except with 2 close friends.