Daily UFO News
Daily UFO Headlines 8/22/12
- Secret Wiltshire military establishment will not be investigating UFO sightings – This is Bath
- UFO Caught On Camera In Valley – KMPH Fox 26
- Talk Of UFOs On Mars Sparked By Curious Photos From Curiosity Rover – Huffington Post
- The Watch is crude, crass fun – The Periscope Post (removed by source)
- UFO spotted over Huntingdon last week – Hunts Post
Today’s news headlines include a review of the movie The Watch, which Jason and I were at an advanced screening for. The title of the news article pretty much sums up our review – Crass and crude, but mildly entertaining at times. You can hear our review on Spacing Out! episode #13 with Erin Ryder.
As for the anomalies appearing in Mars photographs from Curiosity I think there are so far, logical explanations for the unknown spots (dead pixels) and strange looking objects, which could very well be boulders and the other original unidentified object the heat shield from the descent. Now that the rover has taken its first steps today, we will be getting a variety of fascinating data back and hopefully finding out many more clues into the mystery of the red planet.
Just my two cents on some of today’s news! Please feel free to join in on the conversation and ask us any questions you might have.