Daily UFO News
Daily UFO Headlines 4/7/15
- Is this a UFO? Footage shows mysterious black ring floating in sky before vanishing into thin air – Scottish Daily Record
- Every UFO Sighting Since 1933, Mapped – CityLab
- Meet the Chinese Lumberjack Who Slept With an Alien – Huffington Post
- Video shows bright lights above El Paso, some claim its UFO – mySanAntonio.com
- Phoenix Lights? UFO reported over north Phx, Glendale – azcentral.com
Above Belfast, Northern Iteland – 12:55-1:05am I just spotted what looked like an extra star to the lower end of the ‘starry plough’ or ‘big dipper’ constellation it sat for around 10 seconds as bright as the other stars and then started moving north. No fkashing lights like a plane would have. Weird.