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UFO case files revealed pt XIV

Saint Louis, Missouri, 1967

Illustration based off of witness testimony by Michael Schratt.
Illustration based off of witness testimony by Michael Schratt.

For many nights (during January through May of 1967), people reported a star-shaped UFO with a glowing dome and beacon light. The unknown craft sailed over portions of St. Louis, always following the same route. Source: Otto Binder Reports/St. Louis Globe – Democrat

Paducah, Kentucky, 1967

Illustration based off of witness testimony by Michael Schratt.
Illustration based off of witness testimony by Michael Schratt.

February 11, 1967 Paducah Kentucky – A startled observer saw a UFO flying low and stopping at a red traffic light as though it was waiting for a green before it moved forward again. Source: Otto Binder Reports/Phoenix Gazette

Dewitt, Arkansas, 1963

Illustration based off of witness testimony by Michael Schratt.
Illustration based off of witness testimony by Michael Schratt.

October 2, 1963 – Among the most amazing UFO’s ever seen was the “flying question mark” reported by several squirrel hunters near Dewitt Arkansas, which flew through the air like a boomerang. Source: Otto Binder Reports/Arkansas Democrat

Michael Schratt

Michael Schratt (military aerospace historian) has lectured across the country on the subject of "Mystery Aircraft", and classified propulsion systems buried deep within the military industrial complex. A recent guest speaker at the “OSHKOSH” AirVenture 2006/2007 event, (the world’s largest air show), Michael has developed a number of contacts who have had first hand experience dealing with classified “black programs”, including former USAF pilots, retired Naval personnel and aerospace engineers who have maintained a TOP SECRET Q “MAJIC” clearance. A private pilot and military aerospace historian, he currently works as an aerospace draftsman/researcher near Tempe AZ.

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