British witness says UFO hovered 20 feet off ground

A Great Britain witness at Worcester reported two encounters with a UFO beginning at 7 p.m. on March 8, 2015, where the object in the second sighting was about 20 feet off of the ground, according to testimony in Case 63845 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was about to leave for work at 7 p.m. when the first object was seen.
“There a star-like light speeding across the sky, but it was not flashing and no other lights were present with it, and it was travelling faster than a plane – twice as fast I would say,” the witness stated.
The witness was returning home from work at 10:04 p.m. when the second object was seen.
“There was a bright white light beaming down. It was about 100 yards away from me and hovering about 20 feet in the sky. It was so bright it lit up the outline underneath the object it was coming from. It was like 3-D, triangular, metallic ship almost floating above me.”

The witness stopped her vehicle to observe the object with a “pitch black clear sky.”
“It suddenly turned bright green in its flame trail – Northern Lights green – and zoomed off in the opposite direction of the moon in a straight line and then totally disappeared in thin air leaving a steam trail behind it.”
The witness then drove the four miles home and looked into the sky again.

“There was a steam trail track just above the house coming from the direction I had left. Then looking up towards the moon there was a steam trail in the shape of a cross (X) glaring in the moonlight, with tornado-like clouds spiraling down.”
The witness was unable to photograph the object.
“When my partner tried to take a photo there was an orb floating in front of his camera. I couldn’t get a photo of the craft/ship, so I will upload a photo of a similar looking one off the Interent.”

Worcester is a city and the county town of Worcestershire in the West Midlands of England, approximate population, 100,000.
Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Looks very similar to a triangular balloon. If you google that you can find many similar images.
I sent the picture to the and they were emphatic => “Only a garbage bag
full of gáz “
It’s quite obviously a trapezoidal weather balloon. You can clearly see the shiny mylar skin of this balloon. I do believe UFOs are real, but this is not one of them.
I believe I just saw the same thing in Brromfield, Coloradi, United States.
6:00AM, very low to the ground, green firetrail, but too dark to see the shape. Zero flashin lights but the fastest thing I’ve ever seen.
Yes to bad they picked a picture of a balloon as a comparison.
“When my partner tried to take a photo there was an orb floating in front of his camera. I couldn’t get a photo of the craft/ship…”
Awww I HATE when that happens!
Come on. Gimme a break.
I live near worcester UK, maybe a couple of nights beforehand I saw something similar at the same approximate time in the evening. Very bright light hanging in the sky, at maybe 1000ft. It was a cloudy night and no stars were visible.
Saw a V shaped object in the night sky at 8.45 pm in Newcastle upon tyne facing west for approx 10 seconds been looking at images on google and it looks very much like what other people have witnessed/photographed. 5/6 rows of dim white lights in a” >” shape going extremely fast and looked huge! never witnessed anything like this and told friends /family straight away. Cant believe nobody else saw it it was a clear dark night thought someone would of reported it to local paper.Absolutely blew me away just the sheer size of whatever it was couldn’t be man made.
I forgot to mention this was on Saturday the 8th march 2015 as well .
Yep, its a balloon flying twice as fast as the airplanes.
Love how people focus on the balloon pic that is expressly stated as not what the witness saw. So if there was a story about Apollo 13 and they showed a pic of the movie set in Hollywood, would you conclude that it was just a plastic model spaceship and there was no real spaceship?
On 12/10/11 at approximately 1 AM in Iowa City, Iowa, I experienced a very similar experience relating to the following quote:
“It suddenly turned bright green in its flame trail – Northern Lights green – and zoomed off in the opposite direction of the moon in a straight line and then totally disappeared in thin air leaving a steam trail behind it.”
I was driving, looking in front of me and slightly upward into the night sky. I did not see any object, but all of a sudden, I saw what looked like 3 aligned florescent green lights, evenly spaced. A moment later, a fluorescent yellow flame trail developed out of each of the three green light sources, and I watched as the flame trails began, lengthened and slightly curved up, and then in an instant all disappeared. Though I did not see any object other than the lights and flame trails, the even spacing and alignment of the lights gave me the impression that they were lined up on an object, invisible to me. I had the perception that the object left a “warp speed”. I have been watching for similar recounting of experience ever since.
I would like to see pics. of weather balloons and also how low can one of those balloons travel. I saw some objects in the sky one night about two years ago, somewhere in the region of the milky way, I would say they were diamond shaped with the top part a third shorter than the bottom section, they were moving from the east and as soon as they got in the milky way they slowly went out, they started out with 3 moving together, the one in front was larger than the 2nd and 3rd, as soon as they entered the milky way and the lights go out, then 2 more came, then 2 more there were 7 objects in all, They were’nt sparkling, they were a dull Golden colour. I called about 3 persons who were nearby, they all thought they were curious, but no body was real excited. When I told some people about it they said it must be aircrafts flying in formation. I know they were’nt aircrafts. About three months later I say another object it was moving silently about 35 – 40 ft from the ground just above the utility poles. It stopped over some trees, hovered a while and drifted silently away, It was disc like, it had some lights around an almost translucent pewter looking cross.
every one brushed it aside and said it was a weather balloon. If any one have any knowledge of weather baloons, I would like to see one as well as how hogh off the ground are they allowed to be.
I’d like further information on this too. I saw 5 or six of these, arrayed in a vertical circle formation, on July 13 2015 near Grimsby in the UK, at ~5.00 pm, travelling over the local motorway, so I thought I’d see reports. So far, nothing. They were floating about 100m in the air, seemed to be travelling at wind speed and direction (as if they were balloons) But I can’t find any images on the net that accurately portray it. If it is a weather balloon, I can’t find a picture of it. Would just really like to know what I saw. any link appreciated.
We get a big kick out of these reactions,
UFO is now IFO. This is a Solar Balloon that thousands of hobbyists around the world partake in as well as schools for thermodynamic science experiments.
You should update your article for credibility and state that this is a Solar Balloon. This is one of the simple beginner models made out of one trashbag. Some of our larger models are reported as “Cigar UFO’s”.
Many of us have seen legit UFO’s while doing our experiments, but this is of very Earthly origin.
Mystery Solved,
Solar Balloons
We have video of our balloons zipping around in wind currents even sometimes appearing to move against the wind. The hot air in the balloon/trashbag its light weight causes them to behave quite strangely at times and appear to be moving under intelligent control or some sort of locomotion which they obviously are NOT.
Solar Balloons
That’s called a tetrad aka pyramid buoy, used in sailing races as a marker. Some joker filled it with helium.
I was looking online to see if anyone had seen a UFO over Worcester this morning I saw it on my way to work at about 8:10am and saw this post amazing it was the same day but 3 years earlier !