Astronomer says alien life will be discovered in 20 years
SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute senior astronomer Seth Shostak says humans will detect extraterrestrial life in twenty years.

Abbasi also asked Shostak when he thinks extraterrestrials will find us on Earth. He replied:
Finding us is actually harder, because how could they find us? You could conceivably pick up our television, our radar, our FM radio, but you have to be close enough for the signals to have gotten to you within, say, 70 light-years. The number of stars within 70 light-years is maybe a few tens of thousands, but it’s not a very big number. I don’t know that they’re going to find us until we’ve been on the air for a lot longer. But for us to find them is maybe not such a problem because, after all, the universe has been around three times as long as the Earth has. There has been plenty of time for other intelligence to get way beyond us, so they might have been sending signals for a long, long time, literally millions or even billions of years.