ArticlesUFO Sighting ReportsWendelle Stevens Archive
UFO photograph from Hidalgo, Mexico
From the archives of Col. Wendelle Stevens…
Engineer, Sirenio Garcia Chavez took 2 photographs on April 12th, 1975, at about 13:30, after lunch, of UFOs over the ex-Hasienda de San Juan Ixtilmanco, in Hidalgo state of Mexico. The presence of the two flying discs above the delapitated shell of the old hacienda is indisputable. The objects were not seen at the time by Garcia Chavez, nor by either of the two neighbors seen in the complete picture. Upon analysis, the objects in the two photographs were calculated to be some 8 meters in diameter and some 40 to 20 meters respectively from the camera.
Courtesy Zeta Rodriguez and REVOISTA OVNI
great pictures just a i know i have abduted many times by aliens as i have woken up with classic signs of
abduction then they come around to talk to me but my wife does not like that because they want to go with them
and my wife somehow stops idont really know whats goinmg on can you please help me
my very best regards
Photographs of a UFO that you posted on this page as coming from the archives of Colonel Wendell Stevens do not belong to such files, but to those of whom this is written. I sent a large number of copies of UFO photographs from my private archives to Mrs. Zitha Rodriguez in the 1990s because she participated in the issue of a magazine with which I collaborated publishing some articles on the subject. And among those photographs were those of this publication. Also they were not taken where you say, but in El Chico, Hidalgo, Mexico, in 1978, and not in 1975. The originals of the photographs in question are not available. I have copies of such originals. The ones you published are bad quality enlargements. The data that you published referring to the site where these photographs were obtained correspond to another (unique) photograph obtained in San Juan Ixtilmaco, Hidalgo, in 1975. This photograph has no relation to the two of El Chico, Hidalgo, to Which I have been referring to.