Daily UFO News
UFO Headlines 10/11/2018
- Did the US Air Force cover up UFO sightings in Project Blue Book? New TV show tells story – Yahoo! Finance
- Inside Story of “Project Blue Book” –The UFO Era & Birth of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis – The Daily Galaxy
- History Channel’s Project Blue Book is Ready to Seek the Truth About UFOs – Syfy Wire
- 5 eerie ‘UFO sightings’ that sparked rumors of alien life – Fox News
- Movie Review: ‘Aliens At The Pentagon’ – ScienceFiction.com
- UFOs Have A Kind Of Route Through The Mountainous Areas Of Costa Rica (Photos And Videos) – QCostaRica
- I launched a new investigation into the 1973 Coast UFO abduction story. Do you believe? – Sun Herald
- Roswell UFO Researcher to speak at Historical Society for Southeast New Mexico – Roswell Daily Record
- Ralph Story And UFO Mania – 1953 – Past Daily
According to the gravitational formula of the real space-time physics: they could live here today!
They all the they could live in 20-30 of their year bodies today biologically!
Because the living person is the biological time of a body according to the formula: it can be distinguished because of the real time!
The formula is found!
/by karika® since 1986/
Today was being brought up on the Bible murdering atomic physicists:the reality does not interest it!
All men may live forever!
According to the real space-time physics: according to truth: upper time without a bar,everybody may live so!
Karika Imre