UFO and alien encounter declared true by historical society
The Great Barrington Historical Society and Museum has inducted an alleged UFO sighting and alien abduction because they believe the case to be “historically significant and true.”
The announcement was made early last month. In it, they refer to the incident as an “off-world/UFO case” that involves Great Barrington residents Thomas Reed and his family. The incident took place on September 1, 1969, and began with UFO sightings that were reported by multiple witnesses in the area. Many of the witnesses had contacted Great Barrington’s WSBS radio, who reported on the incident at the time.
![Thomas Reed speaking about his family's experiences at the 2015 International UFO Congress. (Credit: Carlo Petrick)](http://www.openminds.tv/wp-content/uploads/Thom-Reed.jpg)
As The Boston Globe reports, Reed claims that this UFO sighting was part of a string of strange encounters he and his family experienced beginning back in 1966. The first encounter took place on their horse farm when Reed was 6 years old. He and his younger brother saw strange lights coming from the forest and strange figures in their hallway. They remember seeing a large disc-shaped craft in a clearing in the forest, and being taken aboard.
They experienced similar incidents over the next few years.
In one instance, while driving with his mother, younger brother, and grandmother, Reed remembers strange lights in the sky. Soon after, they found themselves in a giant room where they met with two large ant-like creatures. Moments later, they were back in their car.
Reed went into more detail on the encounters and shared the Great Barrington Historical Society’s press release with the audience at the International UFO Congress in Arizona.
In the press release, the Great Barrington Historical Society lists some reasons why they decided to induct the case. They note that the case was examined by U.S. Air Force’s official UFO investigation, Project Blue Book, and that the case was mentioned at the United Nations in 1992.
They also state that, “this renowned case has received international recognition due to factual and corroborated evidence as well as first hand testimony, including recent polygraph test, the Great Barrington Historical Society confirms that the Reed off-world incident is historically significant and true and warrants induction in the GBHS collection.”
![Great Barrington Historical Society and Museum Press Release. (click to enlarge)](http://www.openminds.tv/wp-content/uploads/hs-signed-web-211x300.jpg)
Debbie Opperman, the director of the Great Barrington Historical Society, reiterated her belief in the story in an interview with The Boston Globe. When asked what it means that they inducted the case, she answered, “It means that we believe it is true.”
“I know we’re going to get a lot of backlash. We’re going to get hammered,” she continued. “But we have given it an awful lot of thought, and, based on the evidence we’ve been given, we believe this is a significant and true event.”
![Director Debbie Oppermann says the Great Barrington Historical Society believes the Reed family story of having been abducted by aliens in 1969 is true, in part because dozens of people reported seeing a UFO at that time. (Credit: Mathew Cavanaugh for The Boston Globe)](http://www.openminds.tv/wp-content/uploads/cavanaugh_22UFOabduction05_metroA-585.jpg)
She also noted that their boards decision to induct the “off-world” case was not unanimous. Opperman said three of the nine members were “strongly opposed.” However, they did receive a consensus, and according to The Boston Globe, Â Opperman believes it to be “the first time a ‘mainstream’ historical society or museum in the United States has declared a UFO encounter to be historical fact.”
Visit the Open Minds Store to order Thomas Reed’s recent International UFO Congress presentation on DVD.
Hooray for The Great Barrington Historical Society and Museum having the courage to declare this! By such steps the UFO reality will be accepted into mainstream society and science — one brick at a time.
what fuel is the spaceship using? what powers this galactic traveling ship? is the reason why you will never be told there here,
Imagine a technology that allows you, with the help of some sort of sleep mode, to send a portion of your consiousness to another world, where you´ll be born and live until you die and leave again.
You know, when you realize you actually exists in two different worlds at the same time, it gets kind of weird, specially when your wife on the other side appears in visions trying to calm you…
We have eternal life on the other side and sometimes we just need a break 🙂
And when we are here, our relatives from the other side sometimes visit us in their high tech vehicles.
Some says we are them, and they are us…
Who ARE you people?
Where the hell is Great Barrington and why do they have a historical museum? Must be Canadian.
Well Ken, since you feel the need to put down Canadians like myself, it’s too bad you are not intelligent enough to click on the link. In doing so, you would easily have discovered that The Great Barrington Historical Society and Museum is in Massachusetts , U.S.A.
I really beleive in aliens! one night as i was sitting in our living room sofa watching TV, i felt a weired sensation like i was been watched. Then as i look to my right side to see out the window, i see this big shadow i quickly open the curtin and see this tall slim thing over 6ft tall just turn its head and caught me staring at it and then, faster than a speeding bullet it ran . I quickly jumped of the sofa to the other window to see if i could see it again or where it went. It was gone. I didnt sleep that night just wondering what it was thinking when it looked at me.? I told my sisters and parents about it, but they laughed at me, my daughter was the only one who said she beleived me. Till this day, i cant stop thinking if ill ever see this again. And why me, why did I catch this thing looking at me… like if it had been there just observing me.