Two more former congress members added to UFO hearing

Organizers of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure say they have added two more former congress members to their committee, making it five former congress members who will “investigate extraterrestrial phenomena.” The event will be a mock congressional hearing held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. from April 29 to May 3, 2013.
The two additions are Darlene Hooley, who served in the U.S. House of Representatives for the 5th congressional district of Oregon from 1997 to 2009, and Lynn Woolsey, who served as the U.S. Representative for California’s 6th congressional district from 1993 to 2013.
Although the former congress members will be listening to testimony from 40 researchers, activists and military/agency/political witnesses, they will not be required to share their thoughts on what they hear. Their investigation will end at listening to the testimony, and after comments made this week by one of the former congressmen, it may be no surprise they will not be asked their opinions at the completion of the event.
In an interview with the Salt Lake Tribune, former U.S. Representative for Utah, Merrill Cook says “don’t expect him to become a believer just because Paradigm is paying him and taking care of his travel expenses for him and his wife.”
Cook told the Tribune:
I made it clear to them that I am unlikely to be persuaded… Extraterrestrial life? I can buy into that as a possibility, but to this day I have not heard or read or seen anything that makes me believe that anyone has encountered one on Earth.
Perhaps Cook will feel different after he hears from the witnesses. Since the most unique aspect of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is the participation of former congress members, the success of the project may hinge on their opinions after the mock hearings. There is no doubt this will be the media’s primary interest.
Here is the current list of committee members:

from Michigan’s 13th district.

from Utah’s 2nd district.

from Oregon’s 5th district.

from California’s 6th district.
Read our earlier story on the event for more information on the first three former congress members to be confirmed for the event: Former U.S. Congress members to attend UFO hearings (click here).