Supreme court forces German parliament to release report on UFOs

Leipzig (Germany) – After years of law suits, the Federal Administrative Supreme court of Germany forces the administration of the German Parliament – the Bundestag – to release and give public access to a report on “UFOs, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence and Germany’s implementation UN-Resolution A/33/426″ (that asked its member states to conduct official research into UFOs) compiled by the parliamentary “Scientifical Service.“ So far the Bundestag not only denied public access to this document but also fought an intense and so far successful legal dispute against its publication. The new court sentence is a big step not only for German UFO-research and disclosure but also for the freedom of information in general.
The function “Scientifical Services“ is “to supply the members of parliaments with factual information, analysis and expertise comments of in their political work in the parliament and their constituencies.“ Therefore one should assume that those compiled expertise would be open for public access as well. But that was not so until the recent verdict. It was up to the administration of the Bundestag to release them – or to restrict access to it.

In 2010 the German Exopolitic initiative ( lead by Robert Fleischer, learnt of an report by the service on “UFOs, the search for extraterrestrial intelligences and Germanys implementation UN-Resolution A/33/426,″ that suggested to its member states to conduct official research into UFOs. While several journalists got hold of copies the paper, it was not legal to publish it in its full content. Frank Reitemeyer then asked to view the report but his access was denied by the administration of the Bundestag – so he went to court. When he was granted that permission in the first juristically instance, the Bundestag administration successfully appealed on points of law. Since then the lawsuit went through all instances and the Bundestag administration even asked a renowned a big law firm to compile a legal opinion (which under normal conditions costs about 50.000 Euro, as some legal experts estimate).

While the latest and final decisions by the supreme administrative court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) is a big step for the freedom of information, the now released “UFO expertise“ by its Scientifical Service should not be confused with secret UFO-files of research and investigation into UFOs by official German offices, ministries or even the military. It is an informational summary of known facts on UFOs, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) and the UN-Resolution A/33/426.
However there are some small ufological gems hidden within this expertise: Most important is the expertise authors conclusion that “as so many other countries, neighboring and allied state did and in parts still do conduct official research programs into UFOs (like France, the USA, UK or Canada…) it should be assumed that the German government and its bodies and institutions should also have official interest into the phenomenon.” While just a short sentence this little conclusion is of great importance as it contradicts the decade long language regime that repeatedly claimed that the German government and its institutions have no interest in the topic and do not conduct any research or collection of UFO sightings and research. The last time this view was stated by the then German Minister of the Interior and today’s Minister of Finances Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble in 2008.
That the opposite is in fact the case has been shown by the work of many German UFO-researchers and journalists before who uncovered secret documents that demonstrate that – of course – also German official bodies not only have an interest but also conducted – and most likely still conduct – investigation into unidentified flying objects. The last time this has happened was when the frontier-science newsblog “grenzwissenschaft-aktuell“ ( uncovered a complete file by the German foreign secret intelligence agency “BND“.

Finally, the administrative supreme court’s decision not only applies to the “Bundestag UFO-report“ but to all expertise of the Scientifical Service which will have an immense impact on information and journalism in the future as many reports disappeared in the archives and drawing boards because their objective conclusion did not support, or even contradicted, the positions of the politicians and parties who commissioned them in the beginning. It can be assumed that they also include much information on all sorts of topics never accessed by the public before.
Posted here with permission from
I think you mean not
Actually it is, but thank you for pointing out the error. It is fixed now.
It would be much to do about nothing were it not so obviously a huge something. Thanks to the German Bundestag for demonstrating by its massive waste of public resources to fight public disclosure that ET is real, it is here, and our governments are secretive liars on that topic – at least (guffaw).