Retired USAF officer talks about aliens and nukes, the UFO cabal, and his abduction experience
By Sean Casteel and John Weigle
The time Robert Salas spent in the United States Air Force taught him many things about the UFO phenomenon. In a lecture he delivered at the September 14, 2013, meeting of the Close Encounter Research Organization International, held in Thousand Oaks, California, a city just north of Los Angeles, Salas explained just what he has learned in no uncertain terms.
Salas’ lecture was entitled “The Complexity of Human Interactions with the UFO Phenomenon,” and he began by flatly declaring that craft controlled by extraterrestrial intelligences (ETI) are visiting us, are here for specific purposes, have been here for a long period of time, and have had complex interactions with humanity. In spite of the existence of a UFO Cabal that is hiding secrets about what’s happening to our planet and society, we are still in the process of becoming part of the “Cosmic Family.”
As part of his PowerPoint presentation, Salas displayed a slide that read:
- “They (the UFO occupants) can interact/interfere with our most technologically advanced equipment.
- “They have devices/craft that can perform in phenomenal ways that we cannot duplicate with our current state of technology.
- “They are able to communicate and interact with humans in phenomenal ways that we cannot explain.
- “They understand the workings of human physiology and psychology intricately well.
- “They have been able to master ‘highly advanced’ physical concepts.
- “They have messages for us.”
Aliens Interest in Nukes
Like everyone who serves in the Air Force in classified duties and missions, Salas signed confidentiality oaths that were legally binding. His decision to talk about a 1967 incident involving a UFO and nuclear weapons (about which more later) was prompted by an experience he had in a bookstore in 1994.
Salas found a copy of “Above Top Secret” by UFO researcher Timothy Good that contained a brief mention of UFOs being sighted at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. Salas thought Good was referring to Salas’ own experience and decided it must be OK to discuss the case since Good had already made it public. Salas contacted James Klotz (who would later co-write a book with Salas called “Faded Giant”) and suggested that he file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for information about the event. It turned out that the incident in Good’s book was not the one Salas had been part of but was instead a separate event that had occurred a week earlier.
Salas would eventually learn that there had been three similar incidents at Malmstrom clustered closely together at two Montana launch facilities. Salas described where he worked, the Oscar Launch Control Facility, as being contained within a capsule built below ground. The men who ran the operations there worked in 24-hour shifts and were in charge of ten nuclear-armed missiles. The Oscar and Echo facilities were close to each other at Malmstrom, which remains one of the three U.S. bases that still house nuclear missiles.
In February 1967, Lt. Don Crawford received a report that a UFO was hovering over the Echo launch facility. He authorized the immediate use of firearms, but the guard above replied that he didn’t think it would do any good.
On March 16, 1967, ten Minuteman I nuclear missiles at Echo shut down as a UFO hovered overhead. Capt. Eric Carlson, a missile control crew commander, confirmed the incident, as did others.
On March 24, 1967, Salas himself was on duty as deputy commander at the Oscar Launch Control Facility when the incident he was privy to happened. At that point in his CERO lecture, he played a recording of a phone conversation between him and Col. Frederick Miewald, the crew commander, as they discussed the incident years later. Salas said he and Miewald had differing memories about certain parts of the incident, which had taken place some 27 years prior to their conversation.
“In that time,” Salas told his audience, “the best thing to do is to try and forget if you’re not supposed to talk about something that is classified. So I made an effort just to forget the details. A lot of these details – like exactly where I was located at the time, how many missiles went down – were pretty hazy. But in time, though, all this became clear.”
Just as had happened in the Echo incident about a week before, ten missiles spontaneously shut down. A security light went on that indicated an intrusion. Guards went to check and saw a UFO hovering over the area. It was a “very frightening thing for them,” Salas said. He believes the command post had gotten to the guards very quickly because they refused to discuss the incident in the aftermath. He and the rest of the crew were summoned to the commander’s office, given a nondisclosure agreement to sign and told not to talk about what happened.
“One of the airmen called me the next day,” Salas recalled, “and just begged, literally begged, me to come and see him. This was a very daunting, frightening experience and they wanted some kind of an explanation from me. And I had to turn them down.”
More information and insider testimony from various sources would eventually come to light, according to Salas.
Salas said that a Capt. Robert Jamison, a targeting officer assigned to the 341st Missile Maintenance Squadron, confirmed that ten missiles shut down. He was called in to restart the Oscar missiles after the shutdown. Because of the number of reported shutdowns, he and his team were given instructions on what to do if a UFO was sighted. For two weeks after the incidents, they received special UFO briefings and instructions, including “self defense” measures.
Meanwhile, a telex from the Strategic Air Command headquarters said, “The fact that no apparent reason for the loss of ten missiles can be readily identified is cause for grave concern to this headquarters. We must have an in-depth analysis to determine cause and corrective action and we must know as quickly as possible what the impact to the fleet, if any.”
The Air Force’s Project Blue Book files contain a report of a landing near Belt, Montana, at the time of the incidents. But a kind of “glossing-over” seems to have become part of the official record. An Air Force publication called “Wing History” for the period of January through March of 1967 states that “Rumors of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) around the area of Echo Flight during the time of the fault were disproved. A Mobile Strike Team (MST), which had checked all November Flight’s LFs on the morning of 16 March 1967, were questioned and stated that no unusual activity or sightings were observed.” David Gamble, the wing historian who had prepared the history, said in a letter to Salas and co-author Klotz that, “There were two times when I recall where sections of the history were scrutinized and changes beyond editorial were made. One of these [times] was the UFO aspect of the missile shutdown incident. . .”
Robert Kaminski, a project team leader for civilian contractor Boeing, said he was charged with assembling a team whose objective would be to try to find out why the missiles had suddenly fallen from alert status with no explanation. When the team met with him to report their findings, it was decided that “the final report would have nothing significant in it to explain what happened.” The team went off to make their report. Meanwhile, Kaminski was contacted by another Boeing representative who told him that the incident “was reported as being a UFO event.” A few days later, Kaminski and his people were instructed to stop any further effort on the project and not to submit a final engineering report. “This was most unusual,” he said, “since all of our work required review by our customer (USAF).”
Further confirmation came from a source called “Tex,” who prefers to remain anonymous since he is currently the vice president of a prominent aerospace company. Tex said that he was working through a checklist to bring an Echo Flight missile back online when a guard called him to the surface to see a UFO hovering over the site. He returned to his work and started to bring the missile back up.
“He gets to a certain point in the checklist,” Salas said, “and the missile shuts down again. This object is still up there. In fact, he can feel the electrical energy coming down the tube right where he is. He said he felt almost like he was immersed in static electricity. But he tried this many, many times, he said, trying to bring the missile back up on alert using his checklist. When he got to this particular point on the checklist, he said, the missile shut down again.”
To Tex, whatever it was knew exactly how the missile system worked and knew it in great detail.
Having established the sequence of events of the missile shutdowns and the official investigations – or non-investigations – that followed, Salas moved on to describe what he believes are the origins and workings of the cover-up process.
He began by recounting the history of Edward Condon, who was chosen to head the University of Colorado study of UFOs. Condon had previously worked on the Manhattan Project, which produced the first atomic bombs, but resigned because of a security dispute. He was appointed head of the National Bureau of Standards in 1946, and in that same year J. Edgar Hoover accused Condon of being a Soviet spy. Condon lost his security clearance in 1951, but in 1966 he was offered reinstatement of his security clearance if he would take on the UFO study.
Lt. Col. Lewis Chase, a member of Condon’s team, was the operations officer and UFO officer at Malmstrom. Chase had a UFO experience in August 1957, and evidence was taken at the time by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. The incident was classified and placed in a secret Blue Book file. While working with the Condon committee, Chase asked to see the report on his incident and Blue Book replied that it had no information. After the Condon Report was published, the committee’s chief investigator, Roy Craig, was informed by the Air Force that they had located the report of Chase’s incident, but that it remained classified. The Air Force also admitted that they had withheld other classified Blue Book files from the Condon committee.
UFO investigator Raymond Fowler also played a part in the story of the missile shutdowns. Fowler was then working for the Sylvania Corporation and was involved with the electrical systems of the Minute Man Missile System. He was an early warning advisor to Condon and told Craig about the missile incidents. Some years after the Condon report, considered an outrageously obvious whitewash by most UFO believers, was issued, Fowler risked his job by giving an interview to “The Christian Science Monitor” in 1973 about the missile shutdowns. Fowler also belonged to NICAP, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, and was outspoken on many issues related to UFOs.
“Needless to say, the Air Force was very angry about this and denied it all,” Salas said.
After briefly citing other witnesses and testimonies, Salas took up the subject of why the shutdowns may have happened in the first place. UFOs have been watching our wars, he said, beginning with the foo fighters in World War II. Next came sightings at various nuclear installations and reactors, as well as UFOs appearing in Vietnam and over other war zones, to include the appearance of a triangular-shaped object over Camp Slayer in Iraq that “just basically obliterated the sky above them.”
Historically, the Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bombs were comparatively small but caused tremendous damage. Currently, the U.S. is believed to have some 10,000 nuclear weapons with up to 1.5 megatons of destructive power. Iran and North Korea can achieve nuclear capability now. Salas said that if the U.S. bombed Syria, it would make it easier later to bomb Iran over its nuclear programs. He also cautioned that the U.S. is risking the progress made in the New Start Treaty as well as running the risk that U.S. intervention will motivate the further proliferation of nuclear weapons in the area.
But nuclear weapons aren’t the only source of radiation problems. Salas warned that we are also “exporting” radiation out there in the universe by way of the radioisotope thermal generators in our satellites and spacecraft. Other troublesome sources include the Fukushima disaster, a fire near the Los Alamos Nuclear Facility, flooding near a Nebraska reactor, and the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986. In the latter incident, the Russian newspaper “Pravda” reported that UFOs were seen in the area before and after the event.
Salas believes the UFO occupants are sending a clear message: “You are not alone. We also live here. Eliminate your nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants.”
It is worth noting that this same message was often given by the “Space Brothers” to George Adamski and many others among the earliest flying saucer contactees of the 1950s. While the credibility of the contactee movement remains very much in doubt, the continuity of the idea over the past 60 years is perhaps a testimony to its enduring relevance.
The UFO Cabal
Salas used the term “International UFO Cabal” to describe the organization behind the worldwide cover-up, whose rationale goes like this: Since UFOs and their occupants are capable of phenomenal feats that we cannot control nor defend against, we are therefore unable to protect our citizens from the phenomenon, which would result in a loss of confidence in government and our national security, thereby promoting a citizens’ panic and unwanted major changes in the established order. Therefore, there is no practical reason to verify the existence of UFOs. It would instead be in our best interest to evaluate these objects in secrecy in order to obtain and analyze their advanced technology for our own purposes.
Salas said that such an organization would require a variety of functions, such as financial, facilities/equipment, artifact retrieval operations, foreign operations/liaisons, analyses, evaluation, security operations, interpretation, integration and industry liaison. The cabal has access to the real facts, operates under a safe umbrella of extreme government secrecy, and its efforts to promote public ridicule of the phenomenon and the spread of disinformation have been effective.
But those fighting for disclosure have made some gains, Salas continued. There have been significant UFO incidents, supported by multiple witnesses and other evidence, which have captured public interest. More credible witnesses are speaking out, to include press conferences held sporadically in Washington, D.C., throughout the years since 2001.
And what is the logic that dictates that disclosure would be a good thing for humanity? Salas displayed a slide which read:
- “The advanced science that the UFO phenomenon brings impacts our lives and our future.
- “ET has specific objectives regarding humanity, therefore it is the people’s business to deal with the ET presence.
- “Extreme secrecy in government is progressively corruptive and has a significant impact on our democracy.”
He went on to list things that are counterproductive and productive to disclosure. On the counterproductive side of the table are things like the focus or promotion of lights in the sky, photographs, unverifiable rumor, innuendo and conjecture, and falling into the disinformation trap. It would be much more productive, Salas said, to focus on and promote credible cases and witnesses, while also requiring an accountability for witnesses and their statements, more and better collaboration, accurately informing the public through various media, encouraging more witnesses to come forward, formulating cohesive hypotheses from credible testimonies, and engaging the public, media and elected officials in the discussion of this reality.
Salas’ Abduction Encounter
After making his case for the cover-up and possible future disclosure, Salas told the story of another personal encounter with the UFO occupants. In 1985, when he lived with his wife Marilyn and their two children in Manhattan Beach, California, he saw a blue light emanating from the living room as he lay in bed. It was an unusual shade of blue and was glowing. He woke up his wife and she also saw the blue light. Salas tried to get up to investigate but suddenly realized he was unable to move.
“I remember fighting very hard to get my mobility back,” he recounted. “I couldn’t move anything. I couldn’t move my arms, my legs. I fought and fought. I fought because I had two small kids in the house and, of course, my wife.”
He tried to get Marilyn to help him but she was now unconscious. He saw someone in the doorway that appeared to be wearing a hood and had no discernible face. He next floated off the bed toward the locked bedroom window, which he felt certain they would be unable to unlock. Nevertheless, he went through the window in an upright position and was taken onboard a craft. He was shown a needle, eight to twelve inches in length, which was inserted into one of his testicles in order to collect semen. The pain was excruciating, and when Salas complained to his abductors, the pain suddenly ceased. This was followed by a physical checkup in which his back seemed to be of primary interest. He next remembers moving through a curved hallway and seeing a bright light before suddenly finding himself back in his bed.
Salas at first had no conscious recall of most of what happened that night. He was able to piece together the experience after working with three different hypnotherapists. A couple of weeks after his abduction, while it was still submerged in his memory, he recalls working in his yard and thinking to himself, I’ve been in space.
There are other elements in the aftermath of the experience that feel more like a dream or a vision to Salas. He recalls a large, black, oval, glassy eye with a rim around it; Marilyn in a large room being trained and “working” on a large metal box; a large tabletop screen with some sort of plan for Earth, activities and locations; and a doctor dressed in black who looks into a box containing instruments.
The experience continues to be very real for Salas and he does not doubt that it actually happened. He said he was speaking about it publicly because he thinks it is important to take alien abduction seriously.
Citing cases like that of abductee Betty Andreasson Luca and her visit to see an apparently high-ranking alien called “The One,” an experience also reported by a representative of a UFO group in Peru, Salas said, “We cannot simply exclude or limit the extent of what we call paranormal. We can’t exclude anything in this area. It’s a very complex area. I mean, the whole UFO phenomenon is very complex.”
Before concluding his lecture at the September CERO meeting, Salas had some final stories that could imply his own possible contacts with the UFO Cabal.
In 1969, when Salas was working on his bachelor’s degree in engineering at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (which he said he could have easily done at Malmstrom AFB in Montana, expressing puzzlement as to why he was sent to Wright-Patterson to begin with), he was ordered to visit the base psychiatrist’s office. Wright-Patterson was the headquarters for Project Blue Book and is rumored to house the bodies of dead aliens and the debris from the Roswell crash.
In any case, Salas reported as ordered, but refused to go into the office unless the psychiatrist would come out and explain to him why he had been summoned. He was never informed of the reason for the required visit, but was finally told he did not have to submit to an interview. He now feels it may have been an attempt to get a psychiatric visit on his military records because of his prior experiences with UFOs, or it may have been part of the process for recruiting him into the UFO Cabal.
While on a commercial flight in 1972, after he had left the Air Force, Salas met a former Air Force classmate who said, “You’ll never guess what I’ve been flying.”
“And I told him,” Salas recalled, “just joking, I said, ‘UFOs?’ He turned white as a sheet and whispered in my ear and said, ‘MiGs.’”
Salas explained that the Air Technical Intelligence Center was organized at the end of World War II to study MiG technology, the Russian aircraft. But MiG was also a code word for UFOs used in Blue Book. Salas never saw or heard from his former classmate again, but he believes their “chance meeting” was indicative of the fact that the Air Force was experimenting with UFO-related technology and may have been another attempt by the Cabal to reach out to him.
But however massive and deeply entrenched the UFO Cabal is, we must fight against it, Salas urged.
“I believe that the truth cannot be suppressed indefinitely,” he said.
Robert Salas is the author of “Faded Giant,” with James Klotz, and “Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon.” Some of the details in “Faded Giant” turned out to be incorrect and are clarified in “Unidentified,” but the basic story remains the same.
Sean Casteel and John Weigle are the co-authors, along with Timothy Beckley, of the book “Disclosure! Breaking Through The Barrier Of Global UFO Secrecy.” To read more by Sean Casteel, visit his website at
Robert Salas is a liar and a fraud. He states above that his UFO claims have been confirmed by Eric Carlson (my father). This is not true. The fact is that Eric Carlson has stated on numerous occasions that Salas is lying. His exact words are, “the man is either lying or delusional.” Due to his most recent claims regarding an abduction scenario, most people tend to lean to the delusional aspect, but he has also told numerous lies that have been confirmed and repeatedly backed up by both witnesses and documents.
If you wish to know exactly what happened in 1967, and why the missiles at Echo Flight actually failed, and why the Oscar Flight claims are so pointless, I encourage you to examine without cost the following narratives: [this one is an examination of the issues for those unfamiliar with the case]
I would also recommend that you examine the numerous interviews and articles at the Reality Uncovered website: Many of the articles discuss the events at Echo Flight and Oscar Flight in March 1967, and include interviews with both the commander and the deputy commander at Echo Flight on March 16, 1967. To this day, Robert Salas insists that both men confirm his claims of UFO interference, which both men deny strongly.
A lot information regarding this incident can be found at the Reality Uncovered forum, in particular the Echo Flight Incident thread: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=1688. Every single detail, digression, discussion or subject of argument asserted by both men has been explained and discussed in great detail in the documents and on the websites you’ve been directed to. Not one question has been left unanswered. Simply put, Salas is a proven liar who has created fiction and called it fact, something anyone willing to actually do the research can determine very readily for himself, as the events — contrary to Salas’ claims — have been declassified since before 1980.
Tim Hebert, an ex-USAF missileer himself, has also written some enlightening articles regarding the case on his blog at: You should take the time to read them.
Dr. David Clarke, for many years an accepted expert regarding the British military forces’ investigations of the UFO phenomenon, has also discussed this case in the context of the “UFO and Nukes” connection asserted by Robert Salas. You can read his article on the subject at
The folk tales currently being spread by Salas have not merely been dismissed as one possible interpretation of their claims; they have been repeatedly dismantled and shredded — proven as lies by witness testimony and documented evidence. There is no doubt whatsoever that he created this case outright. There were no UFOs involved — it is a lie, and nothing more. His own “witnesses” have actually come forward to dispute the claims he has made. They insist that their statements were taken out of context and distorted purposely in order to suggest the presence of UFOs where no such presence could otherwise be established. Salas has perpetrated a UFO hoax of the worst sort, and has attempted to destroy the reputations and career service of better men than himself.
The commander of Echo Flight on March 16, 1967, CAPT (Ret.) Eric D. Carlson, has released the following definitive statement:
“Let me start by stating that, as best as I can recall, my only contact with Salas and Hastings has been on the phone. I did tell Salas that he could release my name to whomever he wished, don’t know why he needed my permission. I have talked to a newspaper writer in Great Falls, several years age, and a TV producer from one of those UFO shows. With both these individuals I denied any knowledge of any UFO’s at Malmstrom. In addition, I stated that there was no, repeat no, incident at Oscar flight as Salas maintains. The man is either lying or delusional.
“My memory is quite good regarding the events at Malmstrom and there is no doubt in my mind that there were no reports of UFO’s and no incident at Oscar flight. I will be willing to discuss this with anyone who is truly interested in the facts.”
His deputy commander at Echo Flight, COL (Ret.) Walter Figel, Jr., has insisted as well that UFOs were not involved, and adds that his version of this event has been distorted by both Robert Salas and Robert Hastings in order to give the impression that an actual UFO was involved. He asserts very strongly that no UFOs were involved, nor were UFOs ever reported.
Walt Figel has released numerous comments regarding the incidents of March 1967, including the following definitive statement:
“First – your dad has not lied about anything nor do believe that he is even capable of lying about anything at all. He was, is, and always will be an honorable man. You should remember that always – I will.
“Second – Bob Salas was never associated with any shutdown of any missiles at any time in any flight and you can take that to the bank. Just think about this for a split second. He is a person wrapped up in UFOs to the Nth degree. Yet he could not remember he was not at Echo. Then he thought he was at November – wrong again. Then he thought he was at Oscar – wrong again.
“Third – There is no record about anything happening at November or Oscar except in people’s minds that are flawed beyond imagination. Salas has created events out of the thin air and can’t get the facts straight even then. My best friend to this day was the flight commander of the 10th SMS at the time. He and I have discussed this silly assertion in the past couple of years – he thinks it is all madeup nonsense for sure. I put both Salas and Hastings in touch with him and he has told them both that an incident at November or Oscar never happened. In addition he was subsequently stationed at Norton AFB where the engineers tested the possible problems. No little green men were responsible.
“Fourth – I have always maintained that I do not nor have I ever believed that UFOs exist in any form at any place at any time. I have never seen one or reported that I have seen one. I have always maintained that they had nothing to do with the shutdown of Echo flight in Montana.
“Fifth – The event at Malmstrom has a hand written log from me that was turned in just like all the other logs that I wrote over several years. I would think that if I wrote something like that in the log, there would be copies, it would have been classified at the beginning and then released along with the classified SAC messages and base reports. Nothing in that urgent SAC message even hints of UFOs at all and I think that it would if the official logs or telephone calls had referenced that fact.
“Sixth – When it happened, neither your dad nor I were “visibly shaken” by the events. It was just another day with a unexpected event in our lives. It was rather underwhelming at the time. No one rushed out to see us, no one made us sign any papers, no one interrogated us for hours on end.
“There is no Air Force “cover-up” [of the events of March 1967]; it just did not happen the way Salas and has portrayed the course of events. I am sorry that you are all caught up in a pissing contest with these people, I really am. They are just not going to let go no matter what you say or do. He has made a 15 year career pandering about the country talking about things he has no knowledge about. I am not at all interested in taking them on – it’s not worth my effort – I have more important things to do with my life. I much rather just stay out of it.
“Hopefully, we can move on. I did read about a briefing on the 27th here in DC. I am here in VA about 10 miles away. Interesting. Hopefully this helps you and confirms to you at least that your dad is a straight shooter and does not lie to anyone.”
Robert Salas’ commander at Oscar Flight, Frederick Meiwald, insists that he doesn’t even believe in UFOs — a strange comment to make in light of Salas’ insistence that a UFO took out the missiles at Oscar Flight during an incident that resulted in an injury to one non-commissioned officer, requiring that man to be evacuated from the site by helicopter. When interviewed by UFO researcher Robert Hastings, he stated firmly that he doesn’t remember anything at all about a UFO. In fact, Robert Hastings himself has written:
“Meiwald then elaborated and said that he couldn’t support everything Salas has said about the incident because he had been resting/sleeping when the first missile or two dropped offline -— which occurred moments after Salas received a report from the Oscar Flight Security Controller about a UFO hovering over the Launch Control Facility’s front gate.
“Although Salas had quickly told Meiwald about that telephone conversation, Meiwald says that he can’t remember it.”
In another interview conducted by Hastings, Meiwald is equally clear:
“RH: Okay. Now, when Bob, I think moments [after] he woke you up, or you got up and sat down at the commander’s consol—he of course had received a call from the Flight Security Controller, saying that there was a bright red, oval-shaped object hovering over the security fence gate—my understanding is that is what he told you as soon as you were at your consol, that he had received this call and, uh, that of course coincided with the missiles beginning to malfunction. Do you recall him telling you that?
“FM: I really don’t remember that portion of it, relative to the bright object. I remember an unusual condition [but] as far as the details, uh, I can’t elaborate on that.”
The following exchange is also revealing:
“RH: Okay. He of course has also said that you two were, uh, when you were back at Malmstrom, you were debriefed by OSI and required to sign non-disclosure statements. Do you remember that?
“FM: I remember being directed to do that. But that was no problem. I’ve been one of these people, when told to forget something, I forget it—eventually [inaudible].
“RH: Right, well, is that a polite way of saying that you really don’t want to discuss this, even though you know more than you’re saying?
“FM: No, I’m saying I don’t remember.”
For nearly fifteen years Salas was using Meiwald as confirmation of the events at both November Flight and Oscar Flight, stating that either my father or someone else called Meiwald on March 16 and told him all about Echo Flight. When interviewed by Hastings, Meiwald stated, “Whatever happened over at Echo, I have no idea.” He has rebuffed completely the attempts by Hastings and Salas to establish confirmation for the UFOs they’ve invented.
Meiwald has also clearly stated in other interviews with Salas that only 3-4 missiles failed during the one missile failures event he has recalled; he’s NEVER stated outright that the UFO story he told Salas in 1996 had anything at all to do with missile failures; it’s never even been mentioned in context.
My father, the commander of Echo Flight in March 1967, was present when all ten missiles were taken off of strategic alert by an electronic noise pulse generated internally at the launch control facility. This pulse interfered with the normal operation of the logic coupler on the guidance and control module for that facility, causing thereby the failure of the missiles, which were, in effect, simply turned off. The incident was very well documented and was thoroughly investigated, and every word that Robert Salas and Robert Hastings have ever said on the subject has been repeatedly discounted or proven outright to be little more than lies and embellishments created for the purpose of making money from the sales of their books, the sales of associated videos, and the speaking fees they charge as a matter of course when retelling their ridiculous little folk tales.
I’m not asking you to believe these points I’ve outlined. It isn’t necessary, as they’re already included in the public record and can be examined by anyone who’s interested in the subject. I do ask, however, that you give some further thought to claims you’ve discussed. You should be aware that there is another point of view in regard to this matter — one that has been repeatedly confirmed by those men who were actually involved with this singular event in USAF history, has been very well-documented through the years, and was very thoroughly investigated by the USAF for some months after the incident itself.
There were only two witnesses at Echo Flight in March 1967: the commander of the flight, CAPT Eric D. Carlson, and the deputy commander, COL Walter Figel, Jr. Both men have publically afirmed that there was no UFO. Robert Salas is merely a fraud — a liar who has repeatedly misrepresented the claims of the men involved in these incidents. He started utilizing this methodology years ago, found out it was convincing to a few ignorant people, and continues his path of slander and disruption as a result of this minor success. He’s just a petty con-man and a fraudulent huckster — nothing more.
Most sincerely,
James Carlson
Albuquerque, NM
Good for him coming forward and telling the truth! We need more like him!
Great article! These people are heroes telling the truth to the Public.
Really old news you put up here.
James Carlson im really impersst becouse your article is as long as Robert S his article and here on earth there are many Carlsons so it cud be every 1 whit the name Carlson.
Thank you.
Carlson you’ve been stalking Bob Salas for years now as his personal debunker. You never get tired of your own crap? Give it up, asshat. Thanks.
I also was a Deputy Commander on a Minuteman Crew in ’64 and ’65, based at Whiteman AFB. I launched two Minuteman missiles from VB in Sep and Oct ’64. No abnormalities were reported for either launch, nor did I ever hear ANY stories about UFOs and the Minuteman system. The only serious problems we encountered on duty were due to numerous failures of commercial electricity during lightning storms and the resultant failure of diesel backup generators (which were essentially worthless), followed by periodic fires in the backup motor generators (fed by batteries) when commercial power was reestablished. These fires occurred at the Launch Centers, and I experienced one of them myself. There was absolutely nothing mysterious about any of this.
From ’66 to ’68 I was a TEAB Engineer at the same base, responsible for ALL aspects of the weapon system and, again, I heard not a word about UFO activity, either on my base or at any other Minuteman base.
I’m open to the possibility of alien visitation to our planet, but until aliens deign to visit us publicly and openly, I feel that common sense requires we treat all “alien activity” and “abduction” stories with a large grain of salt.
Mr. Carlson, that was an excellent rebuttal of Mr. Salas story. All this time i too have believed his words mostly because no one presented a counterpoint or any assertion that disputes those facts. I still regard Mr Salas experience as unique but now I know theres a strong series of facts that dispute it. Thank you for taking the time to spell it out, links included, so we can make up our own minds on the story. I am a bit dissapointed that all this time media coverage of Salas story has not included this counterpoint, how could they leave all those facts Out all this Time? what a bummer really. Really, you should send your write up to Leslie Keane, James Fox, all those folks. If Salas is that far out there it should be exposed Asap. Thanks for trying, please dont give up. All the best to you sir, kind regards,
Paul in AZ
Anyone who puts in multiple paragraphs on an insignificant subject qualifies as a ‘nut’ in my book.
You have to excuse me when I say I’m going to have to go with Betty Andreasson Luca on this one.
Especially now that we understand that earth like terrestrial planets in the habitable zone are common.
jimmy, Who are we expected to believe, Capt Salas, a nuclear missile launch officer, or you, whoever you are. Do we trust someone who has passed umpteen levels of psychological testing to become a NUCLEAR MISSILE launch officer. Sure, he is delusional, just what one expects from a NUCLEAR MISSILE launch officer And with what to gain, a few bucks in fees and sales, and with what to lose, time and standing. Or do we trust somebody who, et al, by all appearances have been bought and paid for by the rulers.
i am a lone individual to think of other forms of life to exist not only on earth but other parts of universe. HUMAN MAY ONE DAY LUCKILY ESTABLISH CONTACT WITH OTHER LIFE FORMS ,BUT THE BOTTOM LINE
I feel that until then these ETA research should never be made public STRICTLY for THE BETTER
We humans live at different level .there are high chances that this ETA research if made public AT PRESENT SCENARIO then it will be difficult to control internal human conflicts which WILL have impact on the SOCIETY throws it off balance
After the cover up at Roswell, I think I believe Robert Salas on this one!
IRT: “jimmy, Who are we expected to believe, Capt Salas, a nuclear missile launch officer, or you, whoever you are. Do we trust someone who has passed umpteen levels of psychological testing to become a NUCLEAR MISSILE launch officer. Sure, he is delusional, just what one expects from a NUCLEAR MISSILE launch officer And with what to gain, a few bucks in fees and sales, and with what to lose, time and standing. Or do we trust somebody who, et al, by all appearances have been bought and paid for by the rulers.”
You should believe the entire capsule crew at Echo Flight on the date in question. My father was the crew commander and his deputy commander was Walt Figel. While Salas continues to state that both men have confirmed his UFO story, both men insist that there was no UFO sighted, reported, or investigated. They insist that Salas is lying, and has purposefully distorted their statements to suggest the presence of a UFO that was not there. Salas’ continued claim that a UFO caused all of the missiles at Echo Flight to shut down is particularly egregious, not only because the entire crew at Echo Flight strongly denies his assessment, but also because Salas never served at Echo Flight and has no first-hand knowledge of anything that may have occurred there.
In addition, Salas’ own crew commander has refused to confirm his claims, insisting that he has no memory of a UFO at Oscar Flight, although he did state that he remembers four missiles failing during his watch. Of course, Salas insists that all ten missiles failed — not four. a difference having little real relevance given that he has never associated those missile failures with a UFO. He has also stated (since 1996) that he was not debriefed anywhere near the extent that Salas claims. In that same letter to Salas, he insisted that the two of them served only at Oscar Flight. It’s somewhat problematic for Salas, since Salas insisted for another three years that they both served at November Flight. Apparently, Salas had little faith in the records his commander had saved, although he did continue to use the commander as a confirmation for his UFO claims. That’s three launch officers who “passed umpteen levels of psychological testing to become a NUCLEAR MISSILE launch officer” who insist that Salas is lying. The fact that Salas has repeatedly changed his story every time some element of it has been proven wrong also contributes to this conclusion. You would have realized this had you actually taken the time to examine all of the evidence I presented above instead of basing your own conclusions on issues that have absolutely nothing to do with the case I’ve established.
As for your other comments above, I don’t believe Salas is delusional — I think he’s just a cheap liar and a fraud. On the other hand, my father, the commander at Echo Flight in March ’67, has stated that Salas is either lying or delusional; at the very least, he has a much better idea of what constitutes “delusion” than you do, since he’s a psychologist. You should realize as well that a state of delusion isn’t consistent. Just as people are not delusional at birth, people have no immunity to a state of delusion simply because they have “passed umpteen levels of psychological testing” forty years ago.
In the future, you might want to learn something about a person’s actual claims before laying out an argument that is notably irrelevant.
James Carlson
I am giving a class to senior citizens at Widener University’s suburban Philadelphia campus in Exton Pennsylvania this fall (2014). I am a retired attorney at law , 80 years of age. The course is entitled
Unsolved Mysteries like the old Robert Stack TV show. I had intended to spend some time on the Malmstrom matter as well as Sec’y of the Air Force Deborah Jones dismissal of a a whole host of officers
at Malmstgrom, Minot and Warren AFBs. Before i go off the deep end ( I tended to believe Salas) I need to have a conversation with James Carlson. Could he Email me directly and , once we establish contact, he can — or cannot—- give me his telephone number. Thank you.
Charles Quinn=
@ James Carlson:
Of course they will deny UFO AND ALIEN existence in the USA. Like, so many countries are starting to disclose UFO/ E.T. Info. I find it is common for other people to say that these men (who come open with their UFO experiences) are “delusional”.
What is it with the U.S.??
Have they not come to have a sense of reality that there is other life form existence other than earth itself?
Are they afraid of these extraterrestrial beings?
Is it not coincidence they made a movie of E.T?
Other wise, how else could they’ve come up with the idea?
I’m sure you could answer these questions. Since you’ve answered a few others..
It is in the readers own beliefs to believe what they read, or not to believe it.
So instead making a conflict of a mans experience, (even though your fathers name is involved) to keep it as it is to what the readers are reading.
Since you believe it is not true to believe this article, then maybe you can keep it to yourself and your father.
I myself, have recently seen UFOs and do believe that there are other life forms other than this planet.
.. If you cannot answer those questions for me, than it has come to my understanding that the US is trying to replicate these extraterrestrials technology and such to take on a very difficult feat such as the NEW WORLD ORDER?
Which will most likely never happen! From my research I understand that these ETs are trying to communicate to help global human society to save this global economic crisis from going down any further than is already has.
But instead they’re keeping it secret for nothing and just taking and taking from the global economy. Other than trying to preserve earth itself, as to which these ETs are trying to help human kind do!
You see, the earth can rejuvenate itself three times faster than what the people do to try preserve it, in just one year! So each year the people of this earth keep on just taking and taking from it. They’re setting back earths life three years as one single year goes by each and every year. Maybe even faster now? Which will become (god knows when) the end of life on earth.
The magnetic field of earth takes it’s form of switching around from switching north to south poles every five hundred thousand years or so. And it is about due that it happens anytime soon. And scientists say that it may not fully function it’s rotation and just completely disappear. Which than will allow the suns fire rays will come into earths atmosphere and “slowly cook” everything on earths surface.
By the way, I’m only 19 yrs of age and have only completed grade 9 high school.
EVERYONE has their own comments and beliefs. So here’s mine!
If I’m wrong about this info? Please tell me that I’m a delusion individual. and tell me otherwise!
Thanks bud!!!
It seems to me the ancient habit of perception that places humanity at the center of the universe refuses to die. First “we” and Earth enjoyed the whole rest of creation spinning around us; then after thousands of years we found out we spin around our home star instead, but still thought that was the center of creation. Now, technology has enabled us to see that there are literally billions of planets just in our own Milky Way galaxy (one of an infinite number of similar structures) that are in the “Goldilocks Zone”. How arrogant we must be to persist holding onto the notion that we are the only intelligent life anywhere!
The real reason the folks holding earthly power over the rest of us like to discourage knowledge of other intelligent life, and spend colossal amounts of time and money to keep that fact secret, is that those extraterrestrial beings have technology they wish we would adopt for ourselves, including what we call ‘free energy’, and also ‘antigravity’ (which takes advantage of the relationship between electromagnetic fields and gravity). The ET’s, not from just one home planet but from scores of others, want this to happen so we stop poisoning the extraterrestrial environment with our nuclear effluent and ruining the Earth itself by paving over it and tearing it up for fossil fuels.
If we did adopt the technologies the existing grip the real rulers here on Earth have over us by virtue of control of energy would be released, and their hold would evaporate.
In fact, that is what is going to happen anyway, because it is the intention of the Universe and the One Mind itself.
Our responsibility to the rest of creation is to become aligned with that intention and lend our support to our own salvation.
By the way, among all other intelligent life there may be civil disagreements (no work gets done without friction) but no war for power over each other, because at the higher levels of consciousness, among those ET’s that are so spiritually advanced as to be able to transcend time and space, evil cannot exist; it’s a simple fact. There truly is only one God or Universal Intender, everyone else who is advanced technologically and spiritually (they finally become the same thing) in the Universe knows that; and we all serve, whether we are aware of that or not.
This writer had spent 40 years of his life fretting about what seemed like inevitable world destruction and even thought to avoid bringing children into this mess. But of late, he gets the picture, thanks to his personal experience in communicating, however crudely at this point, with some of those who know far better than he does about what’s really going on.
The Universal Master Plan does not include allowing our race to poison our planet and everything else with nuclear holocaust. He finds this a huge game changer and is very hopeful for the future of his grandchildren.
Whomever may see this post, please be hopeful and confident that if (although it may well be only if) we on this planet will only realize our frailty and foolishness, that we are in fact not alone in this universe, and stop allowing our fearful monkey brains to control us such that we act as murderers and deceivers, we can be assured a real New Age of everything any intelligent life anywhere desires: peace, prosperity, security, harmony with our environment and a growing spirit.
If anyone is in doubt about Salas’ report, I highly recommend reading this article and especially listening to the phone converstations with former col. Walter Figel.
Carlson’s son must be explicitly correct. No one would ever bother to cover up anything. I’m sure we all know the government and affiliates are Always completely transparent. Besides, the universe is simply far too small. We most assuredly must be the only ones in it. A rogue planet daringly drifting among an endless sea of stars and nothingness. There’s no such thing as sarcasm either.
In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the Queen answers her son’s question by stating, “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” The meaning behind Queen Gertrude’s answer should be fairly obvious.
In my 65 years of experience, I have found that those who have something VALID to say, usually do so in a few, appropriate ideas, conveyed with ONLY as many words as are necessary to complete the thought.
J.Carlson’s soliloquy regarding events that, in total, lasted less time than did the soliloquy itself, leads me to believe that he DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH.