Report of UFO over nuclear plant in Nebraska found in recently declassified documents

A former security officer at the Cooper Nuclear Station near Brownville, Nebraska reported seeing a UFO over the plant sometime in the late 80s. The report was found in documents recently declassified as a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for UFO files.
The files were posted today on the website The website is a repository for millions of pages of declassified documents. It is ran by John Greenewald, who says he requested the NRC files in late February, and was surprised how quickly they responded. He received the UFO files today.

There are 43 pages of documents, although some of those pages are copies, or have very little information on them. The majority of the pages are correspondence dealing with an incident described as, “unidentified flying object violated the protected area at Cooper Nuclear Station.”
According to the documents, the report was received in June of 2010 by a former security officer. The event actually took place sometime in the late 80s.
The report’s short description reads: “An unidentified flying object violated the protected area at Cooper Nuclear Station between 1986 and 1989, but the event was not reported to the NRC as required.”
The detail section of the report reads (reproduced unedited):
The CI [Confidential Informant] described an event that occurred during his employment as a security officer at Cooper Nuclear Station. He was employed there from 1986 through 1989 and did not remember specifically when during that time the event occurred.
While posted at the intake structure one night, he observed an “unidentified flying object” fly down the Missouri River about 150 feet in the air and hover in front of the intake. He observed it for a few moments and then contacted a fellow security officer who also observed it (he could not recall the individual’s name exactly but his first name was [REDACTED] and his last name was either [REDACTED ]. After they together observed the UFO, it turned and went back up the river and did not come back that shift. He and the other officer shared their observation with their peers who did not believe them.
The next evening he again was posted at the intake and observed the UFO return again. This time he didn’t call anyone until the UFO had traversed into the protected area and hovered above the protected area just north of the Reactor Building. He said it was roughly triangular in shape with a circle of rotating lights on the bottom. He could not hear any propulsion noise from the UFO. He believes that it was roughly 1/3 the size of the Reactor Building. Once the UFO hovered in the protected area. He called the security break room and most of the officers on shift observed the UFO. These individuals included [REDACTED] (both of whom were security officers), all of whom still work at the plant today. After hovering there for a few minutes, the UFO exited the protected are [sic] and returned back up the river to the north as it had the previous night. The CI said that he never saw the UFO at the plant again after that evening.
The CI believes that this incident should have been reported as a violation of the protected area space but was not reported.
In the report, Nick Taylor, the NRC Senior Resident Inspector, searched for corroborating documents from the time, but found nothing. However, he cautioned, “I’d be careful about concluding that if an even wasn’t recorded in CAP [Corrective Action Program] that it did not occur.” Taylor went on to explain the reporting structure in the 80s was not as robust as it currently is. As an example, he noted that there were only 1020 reports between January 1, 1986 and December 31, 1989. Whereas there are nearly 10,000 a year nowadays.

Although the report appeared to be taken seriously, in one email regarding the follow-up on the report, Taylor wrote: “This one should be a wild ride.”
If the investigation of this case was a wild ride, there is no indication of it in the report. However, William B. Jones, the chief of Allegations Coordination and Enforcement, did request that the letter regarding the incident “be controlled and distribution limited to personnel with a ‘need to know.'”
The report claims that the other witnesses to the event were interviewed, but the results are not included. Those results were sent to “ARB”, presunably an Allegations Review Board, but not included in the files provided to Greenewald.

That is the extent of the report. A letter to the witness from the Director of Reactor Safety was also included. It essential said that they will forward the information to Cooper Nuclear Station, but that “no further action” will be taken, and they thanked him for his report.
All in all, an interesting report.
As for the rest of the NRC UFO documents, there is correspondence with an individual who believes there are nuclear craft being flown around, some of which may have crashed and caused radiation contamination.
The other report is a bit more difficult to summarize. The NRC writes:
The individual expressed vague concerns about finding low-level radiation within the last year where his daughter, whom he believes is an alien or alien transplant, passed. In addition, the individual believes that travel speed can be increased using the relativity equation with minor modifications. Finally, the individual has observed UFOs.
The NRC responded that this was out of their jurisdiction and perhaps the individual should contact the Department of Defense.
You can see the files here, at