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Recent UFO Videos in the USA – Open Minds UFO Report
Welcome to the Open Minds UFO Report! We bring you the latest UFO news on weekly basis, with interviews from news makers and UFO researchers. You won’t want to miss an episode!
Stories in this week’s show:
- Maine video: UFO or drone?
- Triangle UFO videotaped low over Virginia
- Florida witness catches boomerang UFO on video
August 11th, 2016 I was with four other adult people in Casper, Wyo. We all witnessed a very bright light over Casper Mtn approx. 10:30-11:00 Pm. We went to observe the meteor show and the light over the Mountain got our attention. It first just blinked 2-4 times, went out then came back on and flashed and slowly rose then moved above the mountain range and traveled southerly until out of site.
Has there been any other observers of this?
Thank you.
Carol Bowman
On August 19,2016 I was camping in plattsburgh ny with three others and my two dogs as the moon rose we heard a strange noise in the sky as we watched this object appeared having nine red lights on the bottom of it it was quite close it hovered as it appeared to be watching us from wh a appeared a longtime but I would say about seven minutes I put my dogs in the tent and started t walk towards it it slowly moved way as I got faster it also got faster and took off quick later that night we watched multiple other objects in the sky all coming from Vermont to plattsburgh there is no doubt that the are ufos what I want to know is why are theybhere anwy so many of them atnonce