Open Minds UFO Radio: David Pares is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Metropolitan Community College, Nebraska Wesleyan, and at Buena Vista College. He teaches Physics, Meteorology, Physical Science, Astronomy, Physical Geography (Weather and Climate) & (Soils and Landforms), Physical Geology and Statistics. In his spare time he runs Space Warp experiments in his garage. He says that Space Warps, like the ones in the sci-fi movies, that bend space allowing faster-than-light travel, occur in nature. He has observed the phenomenon and now he believes he has recreated it on a very small scale in his lab. Pares explains his experiments, how he believes Space Warp technology works, and the exciting implications for the future. You can see his lab and read more about his experiments at his website: www.ParesSpaceWarpResearch.org
Just wondered what song is being played at the beginning of this video.
Professor David Pares – Space Warp Breakthrough – August 5, 2013
That is a song custom made for our show by a gentleman named Caleb Hanks.
god I hope this works out and we in the public are allowed to keep it. we need this soooo badly.
Yes, that song is excellent!
Just a personal suggestion Alejandro, please mute your mike when you say “umm,hmm”. 🙂 There are too many umm,hmm’s, imho. Otherwise, it is a great interview, and thanks greatly for bringing this to the public. No offence intended.
1. You forgot to ask if DAVID PARES has a **(PATENT)** on his WARP DRIVE technology!
2. If DAVID PARES has a PATENT, then he would NOT have to worry about anybody else STEALING his idea.