MUFON’s best UFO video case of 2012
At the Mutual UFO Network‘s 2013 annual symposium they handed the media a press release outlining the top 10 UFO cases of 2012 as determined by their newly formed science review board. MUFON’s Science Review Board is headed by their Director of Research, Robert Powell. It consists of scientists with degrees in physics, chemistry, geology and electrical engineering. The board’s work experience includes working with NASA and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and many leading high-tech companies, such as Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman.
Of the 10 cases, one of them is an intriguing UFO video case that took place in Ball Ground, Georgia, a town about 50 miles north of Atlanta. The witness wrote, “We saw a black, bird like shaped object that made no noise along with blinking lights in the sky.”
The MUFON science review board agreed that the object does appear to have flashing lights along its perimeter. They describe the object as circular, and say that the object in the video has yet to be identified and is currently under study.
The sighting lasted about 30 minutes, and the report included 3 videos the witness says were taken from cell phones.
The witness says she was in the driveway with her two children and her best friend when one of her daughters spotted a large black object just above the tree line across the street. She says the object was slowly moving towards them. She described the object as “a dull, black color with a curved, wing like shape on either side.”
She says:
We watched it slowly ascend until it seemed to be close to the height of where a commercial airplane could be. There were some faint clouds very high up in the sky and eventually this object ascended into them. Before it became unnoticeable…
We will keep an eye out for any further updates from MUFON on this case. We will also have a summary of the top 10 cases from the MUFON Science Review Board up on our website soon, so stay tuned to for more.
Why is it taking so long to post the top 10 list? Why doesn’t MUFON post the press release on their own website? WTF?
Quadcopters…not alien, but man made for $300…
Psycic abductions are real. We are helpless against the onslaught that is near. There are higher sentients than the ones toying with us. All is seen and heard and documented. Help is on the way. Multiple battles is not an option to these pure beings. What we can do is bring peace to ourselves and gather.