Open Minds UFO Radio: Martin Willis is the host of Podcast UFO, like the name suggests, it is a weekly podcast about UFOs. Willis works in the antiques business, but was inspired to look into UFOs after an incredible sighting of his own. We will talk to Willis about his sighting, some of his favorite guests, and his coverage of the Center for UFO’s Symposium in North Carolina a couple of weeks ago. For more on Willis and Podcast UFO, visit PodcastUFO.com.
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My wife and I saw a UFO in clear daylight, while travelling from Ipswich, Brisbane to Central Queensland on Thursday May 5th 2011. I don’t know what it was, but I do know it wasn’t, it wasn’t an airplane, air-balloon, swamp gas, meteor, atmospheric phenomenon, imagination or whatever.
I have been very interested in the UFO,ET subject since that day.
I now believe after much resourcing of evidence and witnessing by people in high official positions in various areas related to the area of outer space and earth air and land space, of aliens having being present on earth since and possibly before recorded history.