IUFOC – Day 1
The 19th Annual International UFO Congress kicked off yesterday in Laughlin, Nevada. This year is only my second year in attendance at the Congress, but I’m still amazed to see the passion and excitement the attendees at this conference have for the UFO subject. The organizers, staff, and volunteers who make this event a reality are such a wonderful group of individuals, and more than that, they are a very close family. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing many of them for more than a year now, and it’s a joy to see these great people again.
The first day of the Congress was enlightening, but my favorite speaker was my British mate, Ross Hemsworth. Ross also appeared on our live show “Live From Laughlin,” which premiered last night.
“Live From Laughlin” is a live, one-hour show that we are streaming to the internet every night this week from the UFO Congress, and you can watch it right here at OpenMinds.tv.
Hello Jason,
Thank you so much for your daily reports from Open Minds and IUFOC’s, Live From Laughlin. I am reading everything you write about your experience. Also, I have friends and associates in attendance telling me it’s the best ever!
Wish I could be there. Please keep up the good work.