Former intelligence officer discusses the reality of UFOs
Alexander is vocal about his belief in UFOs. As he stated to Knapp, “UFOs are real and I’m talking about physical reality. There are craft that are seen, balls of light flitting around, to craft — some of them a mile and a half across. They show up on radar and are really here.”
In his new book UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities, Alexander’s skeptical nature is apparent. He doesn’t believe the government has covered up knowledge about UFOs — a view that has garnered scorn from some UFO believers. Alexander told Knapp, “The true believers are even more hostile than the skeptics. If you don’t believe their particular brand, whatever that is, you become the enemy. You’ve got to buy every bit of it otherwise you are part of the cover up, and blah, blah, blah.”
Some of this hostility was displayed in February at the International UFO Congress, at which Alexander was a speaker.