Daily UFO News
Daily UFO Headlines 8/11/10
- Brazil to record UFO sightings – The Gazette (removed by source)
- Raw Video: Unidentified Flying Object Spotted In Twin Cities – KSTP ABC News (removed by source)
- Expert: UFO in Hangzhou might be special aircraft – People’s Daily Online
- Balloon Boy’s dad now claims proof of alien life – Newslite
- UFO in Lynn’s Wootton Road – Lynn News
ufo back in texarkana,texas.i reported one a few years ago and have seen several since that report.this new i have seen for the last month in the sky,only difference i haVE SEEN ANOTHER COMMUNCIATING WITH THE FIRST ONE by flashing those colored lights.one seems to deem out when the other is flASHING AND THE TOTAL OPPOSITE.
i reported a pretty astounding spherical object to peter davenport on august 11th 2010, even supplied him with extremely high quality video of it. Dashing about 200 miles per hour, and only about 500 feet off the ground, on its way to Chicago. Soon he will email me back stating its remarkably authentic, because it is and was recorded on 8mm tape, and could of been confirmed on radar due to the quick response. Prime focus too.
between 1953 to 1961 there was article in the portland nespapper, about a minature space cfaft found in the artic the nespapper said 2 alein bodys were recovered.there also was a picture of the space craft.if this article was found it would prove with doubt that aliens exiat.
If you have encountered/witnessed the Triangular craft near or in the Texarkana Texas/Arkansas area, please contact me.