Open Minds UFO Radio: Chris Lambright has studied the UFO images captured by Paul Bennewitz over Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, and he believes they may be something much more mysterious than top secret USAF aircraft. Chris has written a book title X Descending in which he documents his thoughts on the images, and his interviews with Paul Bennewitz, and others involved with the events. We talk to Chris about how he got involved with this investigation and other controversial aspects of the Bennewitz case.
Be sure to visit Chris’s website and download the book at: www.xdeskpublishing.com.
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After doing some more reading about the Bennewitz saga I’ve come across some new information that might lead to some different reasons for his “meltdown”. This needs to be investigated, seriously!
While reading-up on X Descending to do a review I’ve come to the following conclusions pending more information needed to fully understand and have an accurate conclusion.
Lambright has personal insider knowledge about a most intriguing mystery that happened at Kirkland Air Force Base that is worth learning about if you have any interest in Military UFO’s or Intelligence Spy PSYOPS or how that can get waayyy out-of-hand into madness.
Why we need more accurate information:
The Military Industrial Complex & their Intelligence Ops have obviously infiltrated every UFO group of significance in the USA and probably elsewhere too. These would include some retired military agents too. Then throw-in an Intelligence OSI agent like Doty whom has reportedly used his background to do [I quote from someone] “…Richard Doty, one of the key officials feeding disinformation to Bennewitz actually served as a consultant for The X-Files, from 1994 to 1996 and he even wrote the screenplay for an episode- “The Blessing Way” and was an extra on two other episodes- Anasazi and Paper Clip.”
…and this whole story is just beyond Hollywood “freaky”. Mix-in some John Lear Jet cocktail too and no wonder Bennewitz goes off the deep end. This man was seriously abused and sacrificed for his probable uncovering and photographing some top secret “aerial objects” after he innocently reported his sightings as a possible threat. Military Intelligence decided to use him as a sacrificial patsy-asset to attempt to further confuse those unknown “spies” interested in secret weapons programs including those possibly involved in (ET) UFO groups that may somehow inform or be spies.
Doty has later claimed in a written statement read on C2C that Bennewitz had some contact with a Russian UFO investigator that was in fact a spy. I will say myself having lived through the Cold War era there was a lot of paranoia in the air with nukes. Carter got the shaft with Iran, Russians were coming in Afghanistan, Central America was destabilizing, and Reagan was a real hawk for the military industrial complex.
Also, there were some very crazy (sociopaths?) involved in the UFO craze that were involved with Bennewitz too, so madness had him surrounded and he eventually cracked.
I’m sure Bennewitz was one of these very brilliant self-made men that also had a very esoteric interest in UFO phenomena, but then he was pushed over “the edge” by Military PSYOPS (and probably others too: John Lear? Linda Moulton Howe?). Where did all those crazy ideas originate and when?
Mr. Valdez knew Bennewitz was extremely smart and said that Bennewitz also knew he was being mislead at times too. So this quagmire is almost impossible to unravel without “insider knowledge”. Mr. Valdez never seemed to hint that Bennewitz was crazy insane, so it seems he was misled over time by so much crazy misinformation fed him by numerous people including friends and persons of authority that knew how to use his UFO interests against him and for ‘their’ interests.
I think it is just totally “freaky” that apparently “whacky” Lear Jet UFO John stayed with Bennewitz a few days just before his “meltdown” that really upset him, and then he cut-off communications with other people according to Mr. Lambright. Please correct me if I’m mistaken.
What a tragic nightmare scenario that John Lear got involved with Bennewitz, and someone is seriously fracked-up to have caused that association!!! Who the hell did that??? Evil. Plus, Linda Moulton Howe was apparently in some form of communications with Bennewitz too, and she might have unwittingly pushed him over the sanity edge with her evil ET-Alien Cattle Mutilation agenda. Seriously now, John Lear and Linda Moulton Howe could have done far more harm to Bennewitz if these two people were influencing him before Doty. He was already doomed to some extent by those associations or “friendships”. Whomever caused those two associations to form with Bennewitz definitely helped drive him insane.
There’s plenty more to this story, but who is alive now that can document or admit what else happened??? I want to know a lot more about John Lear’s and Linda Moulton Howe’s association and friendship with Bennewitz, and when/why did these relationships begin & end????????????????