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Australia’s UFO Files – Your Need to Know
The next episode in our series is Australia’s UFO Files. The National Archives of Australia holds a number of records relating to UFOs, flying saucers and other unidentified aerial phenomena. The documents became available in August 2012 under Australia’s 30-year rule. This rule orders the release of government documents 30 years after they were created. Most of these records date from the 1950’s to the 70’s, when public interest in UFOs was high and many sightings were reported to Commonwealth authorities.
Will the real Valentich radio transmission be released? That would be interesting. The voice in the re-enactment of the transmission sounds way too relaxed. He would have been freaking out surely.
Not everyone would freak out. I wouldn’t. These visitors are not friendly at all.
Australians already know and the original audio was played by every radio and television station in the country immediately after the disappearance. So we don’t think much for your 30 year rule. There are so many sighting reports and video that these phenomenons makes them more like squatters than visitors. You really should do some cross referencing and research when releasing misinformation.
MY wife and I witnessed a UFO on Thursday May 5th 2011 between Dalby & Roma Qld.
The object was very visible but only for a few seconds due to trees on either side of the road. The sky was clear. The craft was a beautiful blue/green shiny colour, with a white vapor trail behind it. It had no wings or tail and was quite large, about the size of an airliner. it was not very high and not very far in front of us. It was slow and looked like it was descending to land. There was no sound coming from it. I have been asked, did you get a photo of it? Well we would have if we were expecting something strange to appear. Another lady also saw the craft. I didn’t think too much about UFO’s until then, but seeing is believing. I have visited just about very internet site since that day. We will never forget the experience!
All governments, including ours (Australia) need to come clean about what they know not just for our sakes but their own as well, there is going to be an incident of some sort in the near future that won’t be easily brushed aside or ignored, on that day “the unbelievable will become undeniable”. One can almost imagine the responce from the authorities “Um, yeah….wow an actual alien, never seen one of those before….(talking on a mike) Delta team one, there is a fallen angel, commence operation public relations nightmare!!!
In November 2012 at about 9.30 pm I was taking the dog for his regular nightly walk in Colonel Light Gardens, Adelaide, South Australia, and while I waited as he sniffed bushes and did what dogs do, something made me look left into the night sky – no moon or wind, and very clear with no cloud.
Approximately 80 metres away and 30 metres above the single story house roof tops, an object instantly appeared exactly where I was casually looking.
It had three rotating lights forming a triangular pattern, being green, blue and white. I remember thinking it strange there was no red light like a normal aircraft.
The lights were large and bright enough that they lit up a mat dark grey slab sided panel facing me, similar to how the tail fin on a large airliner is lit up. The area I could see was as large as a medium sized car standing on it’s nose. I suspect it may have been a triangular base I was looking up at, with one vertical side facing me. It was obviously larger than the illuminated area, as I could not see any edges.
The craft made no sound and slowly (approx 10 mph) moved due west about 300 metres at a constant height before suddenly vanishing. I watched to see if the lights had just gone out and that it would block out some street lights in that direction, but that never happened, so it had just vanished.
I felt no fear, simply interest at seeing it. I live under a flight path, and am familiar with most types of aircraft, and can say it was like nothing I had ever seen before or since.
There were no windows, markings, or joins on the visible panel.
It was nothing like the saucer UFO’s that are usually seen. It was possibly a triangular based, deep and parallel sided block shape – as best I can describe it.
Being large and so low, making no noise, with non regulation lights, and moving so slowly, it was not a conventional aircraft and definitely not a small toy drone.
I told a family member what I had just seen on my return, but never reported it.
Guess what happen too me this evening I seen a blue car pass a truck and dissapear on the front of truck I no longer seen it for about 1 and a half house lengths to the corner it was not there I looked for it and it never made it to the stop sign .
Ive never seen a car just dissapear like that one did. I was amazed the blue car just was not there anymore it vanished into thin air.v