Open Minds UFO Radio: Ray is a retired senior engineer who spent decades working at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. This base is famous with the UFO crowd, because it was home to the USAF’s official UFO investigation projects from 1947 to 1969. It is also rumored to have been the place where a crashed alien spacecraft from the Roswell incident was taken, along with its alien occupants.
Ray’s interest in UFOs began his first week at Wright-Patterson AFB when he was told there really were aliens being held there. This began his lifelong journey to look for answers, all of which has culminated into his new book, Fifty Shades of Greys: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitation to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Beyond.
In this interview, we talk to Ray about his book, his research and his personal experiences.
For more about Ray and his book, visit his page on