UFO photo taken in the Caucasus region, published in the Soviet Military Review.
Close up of object in Cyprus UFO photo #3 (image credit: Bob Boyd, PUFORG)
McMInnville UFO, 1950 (Image: University of Colorado)
March 1967, Chu-Lei, South Vietnam
September 6, 1970: Parana, Argentina
April 12th, San Juan Ixtilmanco, Hidalgo, Mexico (near Apan)
April 9, 1976: Nagoya City, Japan
April 23, 1978, Nagoya City, Japan
Kauai Sands Craft 1975
UFO photo taken by AAF Capt. Niotti in Yacanto on July 3, 1960 (image credit: A. Agostinelli)
UFO photo taken by AAF Capt. Niotti in Yacanto on July 3, 1960 (image credit: A. Agostinelli)
Flying disc next to an underwater volcanic eruption reportedly taken on Dec. 11, 1967 by a Navy officer at the Antarctic Station in Deception Is., leaked to the weekly magazine Siete Días. The disc on the top is the real size of the object; the second an enlargement. (image credit: ICUFON Archives)
Puerto Rico, November, 1995
UFO photographed by Stock (sequence unknown). (image credit: George Stock)
UFO photographed by Stock (sequence unknown). (image credit: George Stock)
UFO photographed by Stock (sequence unknown). (image credit: George Stock)
UFO photographed by Stock (sequence unknown). (image credit: George Stock)
Cote Lake UFO Photo en.largement. Click the image to see the entire frame of the negative. (image credit: National Geographic Institute of Coast Rica)
Close-up of UFO photo taken in Mesa, AZ in 1972. (image credit: UFO Photo Archives)
AAF Mirage M3 fighter and UFO taken during maneuvers of the IV Aerial Brigade in Mendoza on November 18, 2005. (Image credit: Visión Ovni)
Colfax UFO Photo #5 (credit: UFO Photo Archive)
Colfax UFO Photo #6 (credit: UFO Photo Archives)
Colfax UFO Photo #3 (credit: UFO Photo Archive)
Colfax UFO Photo #2 (credit: UFO Photo Archive)
UFO Photo Colfax, WI (credit: UFO Photo Archives)
UFO photo from the CEFAA files taken by a family in the El Yeso reservoir in Cajón del Maipo, near Santiago, on Feb. 14, 2010, considered “stealthy” because it wasn’t seen by the witnesses. Conclusion: Open case, pending. (Image credit: CEFAA)
This one (the 1952 Capitol Bldg photo) has an explanation. If you could see the full photo, the ‘UFOs’ above the building are mirrored exactly by the streetlights below – reflected in the camera lens. Of course this does not invalidate the whole DC flap of that year, just this photo.
Come on Alejandro…. charging membership fees just to look at your pic collection???
No. Not sure what you mean, this page is free. Enjoy!
If the ETs are in charge of Disclosure, what are we doing here? No amount of public demand will loosen the truth embargo grip on mainstream media. A well protected, well enforced, death grip on this type of information by the elite in this country and around the world will not just go away because we want it to. I will make an assumption here that “THEY”, ETs, have engauged civilizations for milenia many times over the course of existence and already know how this is done, what works, and what doesn’t.
Meanwhile our education continues until a time comes when we are ready join the galactic community. As Stanton Friedman stated: We are not nice people and our quarantine is probably justified.
Our government will get spanked for their dirty deeds, just a matter of time.
Those UFOs are nothing but Tesla’s aircraft. As you all know that all the research papers and works of Nicola Tesla was taken by American agency after his death. So this UFO are made according to those papers of Tesla. Take a look of Tesla’s aircraft and you will see that those look similar to it.
Enrique September 28, 2018 at 10:31 am “Those UFOs are nothing but Tesla’s aircraft. As you all know that all the research papers and works of Nicola Tesla was taken by American agency after his death. So this UFO are made according to those papers of Tesla. Take a look of Tesla’s aircraft and you will see that those look similar to it.”
You know that for a fact do you Enrique?
I have a photo. Want to communicate with someone about how to send it and to who.
This one (the 1952 Capitol Bldg photo) has an explanation. If you could see the full photo, the ‘UFOs’ above the building are mirrored exactly by the streetlights below – reflected in the camera lens. Of course this does not invalidate the whole DC flap of that year, just this photo.
Come on Alejandro…. charging membership fees just to look at your pic collection???
No. Not sure what you mean, this page is free. Enjoy!
If the ETs are in charge of Disclosure, what are we doing here? No amount of public demand will loosen the truth embargo grip on mainstream media. A well protected, well enforced, death grip on this type of information by the elite in this country and around the world will not just go away because we want it to.
I will make an assumption here that “THEY”, ETs, have engauged civilizations for milenia many times over the course of existence and already know how this is done, what works, and what doesn’t.
Meanwhile our education continues until a time comes when we are ready join the galactic community. As Stanton Friedman stated: We are not nice people and our quarantine is probably justified.
Our government will get spanked for their dirty deeds, just a matter of time.
Those UFOs are nothing but Tesla’s aircraft. As you all know that all the research papers and works of Nicola Tesla was taken by American agency after his death. So this UFO are made according to those papers of Tesla. Take a look of Tesla’s aircraft and you will see that those look similar to it.
September 28, 2018 at 10:31 am
“Those UFOs are nothing but Tesla’s aircraft. As you all know that all the research papers and works of Nicola Tesla was taken by American agency after his death. So this UFO are made according to those papers of Tesla. Take a look of Tesla’s aircraft and you will see that those look similar to it.”
You know that for a fact do you Enrique?
I have a photo. Want to communicate with someone about how to send it and to who.