UPDATE: Costa Rica UFOs identified

UFOs over Moravia (credit: Telenoticias)
On September 1, Open Minds reported a sighting of approximately 20 UFOs above Moravia, Costa Rica that occurred on the night of August 27. The incident was presented by Costa Rican news station Telenoticias 7. In a follow-up story, Telenoticias 7 claims the mysterious lights in the sky have been identified.

The Brenes family revealed to investigators that they were responsible for the lights in the sky. According to Telenoticias 7, the family launched 27 Chinese lanterns on August 27 as part of a 50th wedding anniversary celebration.

Chinese lanterns being launched (credit: Telenoticias 7)
InsideCostaRica.com explains that Chinese lanterns are biodegradable balloons that can “reach an altitude of 900 metres (almost 2.000 feet) and can be seen for several kilometres, appearing as a fireball in the sky.”

Similar lights in the sky were reported in the Caribbean, but the Brenes family also claims responsibility for those as well. They allegedly sold Chinese lanterns to a relative in the Caribbean.

But those who witnessed the 20+ lights above Moravia on August 27 have a hard time believing the lights were simply Chinese lanterns. Witnesses, including doctors and government agents, described the lights as having “an intelligent movement about them.”

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