‘Sprouting Potato’ UFO in Oregon

On Wednesday, November 21, the website io9.com posted a story about one of the more unusual UFO sightings of the year. As the site described, this “utterly bizarre” UFO was captured on video over Milwaukie, Oregon on September 6, 2012.

(Credit: Oregon MUFON)

The sighting was reported to the Oregon section of the Mutual UFO Network. The Oregon MUFON case study explains that witness Don Andersberg recorded video of

a small, transforming, odd, colorful, compact UFO from his backyard in blue sky daylight. The constantly transforming compact UFO showed oddly growing and transforming protuberances with occasional “flaring up” bright spots. He first saw the UFO and then began video-recording it as it moved along slowly in the sky.

These “growing and transforming protuberances” inspired the witness to name the object the “Sprouting Potato” UFO. The two minute and thirty-four second video recorded by the witness on his Nikon Coolpix P510 camera shows the object has “no particular axis of rotation,” and it “seems to be tumbling in a random fashion.”

Although the odd-looking object resembles and behaves like an animal or character-shaped balloon, Oregon MUFON has concluded that the object is likely an extraterrestrial UFO that mimics a balloon.

Read Oregon MUFON’s case study at http://www.oregonmufon.com/PDFs/MilwaukieSproutingPotatoUFO.pdf

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