SpaceX launched secret payload into space

A cheese wheel concealed by a poster for the 1984 Val Kilmer film comedy 'Top Secret!' (credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX)
SpaceX successfully completed the launch and return of their Dragon space capsule on Wednesday, but it has now been discovered that the craft contained a secret payload—a wheel of cheese. explains, “The wheel of cheese launched to honor a classic skit from the British comedy show Monty Python’s Flying Circus, in which actor John Cleese tries to order cheese from a cheese shop that has no cheese.” Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX kept the cheesy payload secret until after the successful completion of the mission to prevent news of the space cheese wheel from overshadowing the success of the Dragon space capsule flight.
The cheese wheel revealed (credit: Chris Thompson/SpaceX)
SpaceX’s Dragon capsule made history by becoming the world’s first commercial spacecraft to launch into orbit and return to Earth safely.
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