NY witness drives by hovering rectangle UFO

A New York witness at Rome reported watching a UFO hovering at the treetop level that made no sound, according to testimony in Case 73684 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was driving home with his girlfriend about 8:30 p.m. on January 6, 2016, along Elmer Hill Road in Rome, NY, when the incident occurred.
“I saw what looked like an extremely low flying plane flying above the tree tops,” the witness stated.“It had three white lights on it and one red light underneath.”
As the witness moved closer to the object, he realized it was not moving – but was instead hovering.

“It literally turned towards us in the air and flew/hovered directly above us. It made absolutely no sound and turned on a dime. It was the size of a normal jet, but was flat rectangular/diamond shape with a dome on top. I only could see that because the UFO literally flew right above us. It was a pretty scary experience, and completely real. I’ve never seen anything like it and was completely amazed.”
The case was reported to MUFON on January 6, 2016, and is under investigation by New York MUFON Field Investigator Bob Kasseland Chief Investigator Nicholas Voulgaris. No images or videos were included with the report.

Rome is in Oneida County, NY, population 33,725. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to MUFON.com.
Always fascinating to read these reports.
a few years back reading Whitley Striebers blog a witness reports seeing a red square in the clear days sky, and the next week I see the same thing. It is residual from computer screen.
Elmer Hill Rd is on the edge of Griffiss Air Base.
Hi, I run a UFO / Unknown encounter group called CERT (close encounters research team), we are based out of Syracuse NY and now have hubs all over the country…I would like to be able to speak to you about the case and document it and look into your story. If you can please contact me, I had a huge UFO event over the Oneida Lake area in 1997, it made Foxs greatest UFO videos, covered by Fox 68 in syracuse and NASA scientists got involved. It was dubbed the Phoenix lights of the east coast!, the lights I saw were very similar to Phoenix’s lights and formed even the same patterns…I had a lot of strange happenings along with my family for the last almost 20 years, and because of that myself friends and others with a desire to uncover the truth formed CERT to help those out there looking for answers. Our group being local would love a chance to speak to you about your experience and help you uncover the truth!
please email me or leave a comment here!
I saw the same thing in southern NY at 4 am about 2 to 3 months ago. It was big and at tree top level and there was no noise. It was freaky.
I read with great interest of your encounter in 1997 . I southeastern NY on the CT border in 1972.
I not only had a huge craft hover directly above my car, it was so close that we were able to clearly
see into the ship and see non humans inside . A beam of blinding blue/white light was aimed at us.
I reported this incident to the Civil Service in a neighboring city but nothing to my knowledge was
ever done about it. This incident was broadcast on the Albany NY news station the next day, that
is what prompted me to report it to the Civil Defense. This was not to be the only encounter I was to
have with this particular craft and its occupants.
I was the man who filed the report with mufon 3 years ago and I actually just found this article. I would love to give you a call or email CERT but you didnt leave any contact info. If you have any please let me know.