North Carolina witness ‘mesmerized’ by low flying cigar UFO

A North Carolina witness at Havelock reported watching a low flying, cigar-shaped UFO that “gently” came into view and quickly moved west, according to testimony in Case 65579 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The reporting witness and her 17-year-old son were completing an exit turn off of westbound Highway 70 leading to Greenfield Heights on a clear night with sparse traffic when the object first came into view about 11:33 p.m. on May 14, 2015.

The Havelock, NC, witness first noticed a light leading a large, lumbering black shape about 11:33 p.m. on May 14, 2015. Pictured: A stretch of Route 70 in Havelock. (Credit: Google Maps)

“It was here while waiting that we made an unusual observation,” the witness stated. “Coming up from the distant east tree line about one-half mile away at approximately a 45-degree slope, a light leading a large, lumbering black shape appeared and headed in our general direction moving slightly north-westerly.”

The witness described the object’s movement.

“It moved gentle, blimpish, quietly and slowly leveling out as it headed west. At one point it was almost directly above us slightly north and we were mesmerized by the length, which was primarily evidenced by the long dark gap between a front, large almost LED-type light on a slightly cone-shaped tip to the back with a couple of pattern, pulsating red lights (no green, blue or other lights).”

The two witnesses continued to watch.

“I rolled down my window and we stared as it continued west toward the northwest forest tree line, in an oddly, low, low altitude for such a size, until out of sight.”

The witness detailed the main items that stood out.

“Most unusual was its floating type of movement, its size and very dark exterior, and a very conspicuous lack of sound. We have lived next to MCAS Cherry Point nearly 20 years. My spouse (now retired) was involved in land air defense on the air station. We can identify numerous aircraft by sight, shadow, sound and movement patterns. We frequently hear flights in and out of Cherry Point Air Station including vertical lift helicopters, and of course, the harrier jets that can ‘hover.’ This object was not identifiable to anything previously experienced.”

The witness said there were several unusual characteristics about the object, including its floating type of movement, its size and very dark exterior, and a very conspicuous lack of sound. Pictured: A stretch of Route 70 in Havelock. (Credit: Google Maps)

The witness is positive the object was not a military aircraft.

“It was much larger than known typical military craft, including the C-130. It moved almost like a blimp, but was not the large football/blimp shape, more like a long very dark (almost matching the night sky) cigar.”

The witness could not identify the object.

“The lights initially led us to believe it was a known craft coming past at an odd angle, but as it leveled out and continued west, it was apparent this was not a known craft, at least not known to me. The lack of sound was particularly fascinating. I know that sound travels slower than light. Whenever we happen to view a helicopter or other craft at a similar range it takes a moment for the sound to catch up to the viewed object but ultimately it does and we always hear the typical aircraft roars and rumbles.”

The object passed the witnesses at a quick and steady pace until it was out of view. Pictured: A stretch of Route 70 in Havelock. (Credit: Google Maps)

The object made no sound.

“As this strange object passed overhead, we listened specifically for any sound patterns. There were none. The object just passed by at quick and steady pace until it was no longer visible. We (son and I) both agreed we could not identify this craft so we considered it a UFO. I was reluctant to share this on MUFON, however, I would have appreciated it if I found someone describing something similar that they also experienced and so, in the interest of sharing, here it is. If anyone asks, I’ll try drawing it out and post the sketch. Aside from missing our left turn and feeling a bit paranoid, we have experienced no negative side effects.”

Havelock is a city in Craven County, North Carolina, population 20,735. Please remember that most UFO sighting can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to

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